Hello all…
Just got back from my alternate reality (Las Vegas), to see my favorite band, Muse, get the kid his first tattoo..oh, and eat too much...and I mean, WAY too much!! This trip was probably the best one ever. The drive seemed shorter than usual...which makes no sense, ‘cause it’s the same 440 miles, however, it seemed quicker this trip...maybe I’m just getting use to it?? I don’t know...Yes, the best visit to Vegas, ever!
Muse was spectacular! I had never seen them live (except on YouTube) but, I love all of their music. This was their, Simulation Theory Tour and again, they were spectacular. My favorite Muse albums are, Absolution, Black Holes and Revelations, Origin of Symmetry and this new one, Simulation Theory. However being the Muse fan that I have become, I really don't think they’ve made a bad album...and I can't say that for any other musician or band. If you get the chance, you should definitely go see them. Did I mention they were spectacular??

It’s funny how my musical tastes have evolved. A few years ago, I was one of those classic rock fans, living in the past and refusing to consider the new. I refused to expand my musical horizons. I wore the classic rock blinders and refused to even consider new music. My mantra, was one I hear often from those of my age…”Rock music is dead” ..Well my friends, rock and roll is not dead, it’s very alive. For those of you (of my aged) still living in the past, consider these bands/musicians, Muse, The Killers, Ghost, Nita Strauss, Radiohead (yes, I know they’ve been around for a while, but their most recent album, “A Moon Shaped Pool” is amazing!) and although they’re no longer together, My Chemical Romance proved that new rock was still kicking ass, when Mick turned 60. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing (much) wrong with those beloved classic rock acts, but they're not going to be around forever. Expand your horizons and embrace the new, you might be pleasantly surprised.
I don't know what it is about Las Vegas, but what I do know is, that it’s my escape. I use to think I wanted to move there, but I’m not sure any longer (stay tuned, as I’ll probably change my mind again, in a future blog). When I want to escape reality and clear my head, I go to Las Vegas. Imagine if I moved there...how would I escape reality? Las vegas would be my reality and then I would have to exist in escape?? Or would I cease to exist in a escape?? Maybe I could find a wormhole to escape my existence in my escape...
Anyways... I’m back on the road to Lake Tahoe Monday night. I’m drawing caricatures at a wedding reception. I’m really looking forward to getting the drawing juices flowing again. It’s been a few months since my last event (due to my self-imposed, I hate winter driving drawing ban) and I miss the challenge of drawing live caricatures. I especially miss the interaction with the subjects I’m drawing, so I’m really looking forward to Monday night...I’ll try to post pics from the event, Tuesday or Wednesday. Until then my friends…
Talk to you soon...