Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Carpe Diem!

I am sorry to report my friends, that the Daily Planet is on life support...in fact, if it had a pulse, one would have a tough time finding it. So let's save some time and start the future obituary, today.


Today I lost two years of my life, I will never get back. ‘

I’m resigned to resign my position as "a mild mannered reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper", due to its pending demise around me. The cause of said demise? Although it will be written in the journals of future deceivers as covid (to exaggerate the body count) the true cause of death is indifference (nobody cared) the saddest of non-carers is those who had the power to change the course of history. Instead, these power brokers chose to protect their comfort zone and take the path of least resistance. Effectively signing the Daily Planet's death sentence.

Which brings me to the future and I am the only one that controls that future. Since I have already established the fact that I can foresee the future, this should be (if not easy) at the very least, attainable. I have come to that fork in the road (again). I can sit around on my ass or I can, seize the day! 

The future is mine, the past is gone. 44 days and counting...

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