Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Inspiration Behind the Drawing - My Chemical Romance

Sometimes a drawing takes a long time to develop. The initial conception of my latest drawing, My Chemical Romance (MCR) originated on a road trip to Las Vegas in October of 2015. 

To be honest, I had never listened to MCR prior to that trip. I probably would not have, had it not been for Rule Number 4-A, in a set of rules I established regarding road trips. These rules were developed in order to inure sanity during, and at the end of these journeys. Although I could bore you with the entire list, my rules are not the subject of this incoherent rambling, as such, here are a few important highlights...

Rule #1 - Coffee
  • Rule #1-A - More coffee
  • Rule #1-B - Even more coffee 
Let's focus on my discovery of MCR, following is Rule #4

Rule #4 - Music. Music (or some sort of Radio Ga Ga) shall be played on the entire road trip.
  • Rule #4-A - Said music, should be alternated between the musical taste of all passengers in the vehicle.
Ah ha! This is it! This is the "Big Bang" of my latest drawing! Had it not been for Rule #4-A, my latest drawing would have never materialized and its all because of, Bitch Stevie (inside joke). You see, prior to this road trip, "my road mix", would include Paul McCartney, Alice Cooper, Johnny Cash and Queen, among others. However, thanks to Bitch Stevie my musical tastes and have expanded immensely and although I still enjoy the classics, I have discovered new musical awesomeness...

First off, here's the caricature and the picture I used to create the caricature...

Now, the first song that captured my attention and initially inspired the drawing. Great song! Wonderfully creepy video by this young lady, she was obviously inspired as well...

Another great song....

Anyways, until next time....Peace!

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