Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Bat Update

Greetings from the Batcave! 

I'm currently working on a drawing based on the 1989 movie, Batman. If you're a Michael Keaton fan, you may love this drawing, even if you're not, the drawing is pretty spectacular. Of course, I could probably mess it up between now and the time it's completed (spill the India ink, spill my coffee, etc...) however I'm on a pretty good flow at the moment and this drawing is turning out pretty amazing, so stay tuned!

Speaking of spectacular, I'm very proud of a recent drawing I completed of an automobile. The drawing itself is kind of minimalistic. Its going to part of the canvas for  caricatures at a future Michael Hopkins Event Caricatures gig. The event is based around automobiles and the drawing is going to be pre-printed on the drawing paper I'm using for the gig. The car caricature will be placed at the bottom of the drawing paper, along with the event logo. You'll see what I'm referring to after the gig is over and I've shared pictures from the event. However, for now, I just tease you with the caricature of the car.

This drawing and concept turned out so well, that I may offer similar options to future Event Caricature customers a slight additional cost to the standard booking fee.

So until next time...