Friday, November 5, 2021

Pink Heart-Shaped Sunglasses

As most of you know, my "side-gig" is fueling aircraft at an airport (although looking at the lack of revenue from drawing lately, some would say that drawing is my side gig...anyways, that's another blog). The reason I bring this up is that I was informed of a tragedy that happened over the last few days. An employee from another company at the airport (that I interacted with occasionally) took her own life. 

Although I couldn't describe her as a friend, her presence was definitely a regular part of my day.

I can remember the first day I saw her, which is interesting because sometimes it's difficult remembering what happened yesterday. Anyways, she had a unique and special sense about her. A carefree, almost flower child type appearance, she would not be out of place in the 1960's. The first time I saw her, she was wearing pink heart shaped sunglasses. That made me smile. The last time I saw her was last week, nothing special, just work conversation. That would be the last time I spoke to her.

Hindsight being 20/20 (and hindered by the introvert that I am) I wish I had spoken to her more. Maybe became her friend? Maybe I could have given her hope...but we were just strangers, doing our jobs, trying to get though the day.

I hope she finds the peace that she couldn't find in this life.