I want to share this AMAZING drawing I created!
The drawing was created on 11"x 14" Strathmore Bristol (smooth surface) drawing paper, with Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens, an India Ink wash and watercolor (specifically Castle Arts Watercolor Pencils). Originally the drawing was going to be black and white (thus the second picture), however as I started out to only highlight the drawing...well, one thing led to another and thus, its in full color! I'm very happy with the results! This drawing has life! This drawing is fun! Most importantly, this drawing makes me happy!
This drawing is the first of a series of Caricatures that i'm creating. I'm naming the series, "I Must Have Something Better to do than Watch YouTube". The genesis of this series is laziness. Basically, I've been slacking in the drawing department. While slacking, I occasionally zone out on YouTube. So I figured I'd put that "zoning out" to good use and start drawing caricatures of characters I'm watching on YouTube.
First up is @jordanvainikka. Her YouTube channel is, Flight Attendant JoJo. Besides being easy on the eyes, Jordan can be pretty entertaining (in a Mary Tyler Moore sorta way). Everyone should definitely give her channel a look, especially if you find yourself watching YouTube with nothing better to do (but trust me, there's always something better to do). Anyways…Judging from Flight Attendant JoJo's response (or lack thereof) I'm assuming she didn't like the drawing (yes, I tagged her Instagram account), but that's OK, because I love the drawing and hope you enjoy it as well.
Speaking of YouTube, is it amazing how it's made "celebrities " out of ordinary people. YouTube channels (if executed correctly) have to be the best marketing value for the dollar. Where else could an unknown person become known nationwide (even worldwide) with just a phone and internet access?? This is why I'm considering marketing my art through YouTube. Instagram is limited, unless you want to purchase followers (one way or another). I've bought ads on Facebook with limited success and a limited budget. However, even though I have a YouTube channel, I haven’t taken it seriously and think that has been a mistake. Note to self, Let’s correct that mistake.