I've been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to drawing. Although the Event Caricatures have been progressing well, my pen & ink drawings have been virtually non-existent. Although, I've been getting headaches from all the drawings floating around in the 'ole cerebral matter, sitting my butt down at the drawing table and having those drawings flow from the brain (down the neck, through the formerly cancer infected shoulder, down the arm, though the fingers, being one with the pen, filling the nib) and spilling onto the paper, well...it's been a hot minute (as my son would say). I think I'm making this drawing thing, too complicated.
However, inspiration has arrived via a life-long friend, and Author, Daniel W. Shegrud and his, "Fun Words to Say!". Let's take a look…
Daniel W. Shegrud, Fun Words to Say!
I love these videos! They're Simple and fun. I've been missing that in my life lately. Growing up with Dan we had a lifetime of simple fun. It was a riot! It seemed like everything we did was simple and fun (although the majority of our peer group would disagree). Fuck 'em! We didn't care. We lived our life for us and our amusement. Not that life these days are bad, it's just missing the simple fun that Dan and I enjoyed. As I was watching these videos of Dan’s, I realized that he’s still living that lifestyle and I’ve gotten off track. Life wasn't meant to be complicated. We’re here to enjoy life and obviously, Dan is still enjoying life. I need to find my way back to that life and Dan’s my inspiration.
Hold that light up for me Dan, I need to find that path back to the simple fun.