So many ideas…let's get this started!
*WARNING* To those of you easily offended by personal opinions (that may not fit into today's woke society) or those of you who are offended by opinions counter to your own opinions, and as such, you are offended that you may find ideas and thoughts (counter to your own line of thinking) that may make you rethink your opinions, might possibly want to try other blog or better yet, consider an alternative opinion. To be more specific, I have surgically removed The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog Filter and replaced it with The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog, Free Flow Thought Process (i.e., whatever comes out of my brain is going on the blog, unfiltered).
Why? At 62, I'm too old to give a shit what anyone thinks. On most of my previous blogs this was the process..
Thought comes to mind
Write a draft of the blog
Check grammar/spelling (still going to do this part because I hate misspelled words, is a sign of laziness and lack of caring of the English language.)
Review my blog.
Remove any content that may hurt someone's feelings (boo fucking hoo)
Re-review my blog
Remove any additional content that may offend sensitive individuals who have a tough time dealing in the reality that is life.
Re-re-re review my blog for any remaining offensive content that may make someone realize that the emperor is indeed really naked (or has dementia)
Post “triple edited” version blog.
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the new process…
Thought comes to mind
Write my blog
Check for grammar/spelling errors
Click on publish
Hell, maybe I'll even quit checking for grammar/spelling errors (probably not).
There's an old saying that goes, “If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all”. Well, obviously that person was delusional.
P.S. If you're still reading, here's my recent creations…
This beautiful little aviation caricature below is of a McDonnell Douglas MD-90. It was created on January 27th, 2024, on Canson Mixed Media drawing paper, with Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens and some India Ink wash...and lots of cross hatching!