Monday, January 6, 2025

Finito! As previously mentioned, this is my completed Tiny Tim, Pen & Ink Caricature. Although I completed this today, it's been an ongoing process for a while. Sometimes, to achieve what I perceive as perfection takes time and clear focus... which I've been missing for a while 

This drawing was created on 10" x 16" Canson artist board with pen & black India ink and a very slight wash. Do you remember Tiny Tim? I remember from The Tonight Show, Starring Johnny Carson.

Thanks to you soon,


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Alrighty Then

 As one of my favorite comedians would say, “Alrighty then!”

These first four drawings were fun, but they were basically stretching exercises to get me back on track. My serious work (Pen & Ink Caricatures, Aviation Caricatures and dare I say my webcomics (“Missed Approach “ and "Cosmic Fowl") can take days to complete one drawing. As such, I won't be posting daily “completed” drawings. I'll still be drawing everyday and I’ll tease you daily with snippets of what I'm currently working on everyday, however you won't see the entire drawing until it's finite! 

Of course, now and then, you'll see the Event Caricatures (because I like to make people smile), occasional “one off” random scribbles ( like I've drawn the first four days of the year), the YouTube channel I'm working on and of course The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog, but my main focus will be (what I call) my serious work.

My Muse has taken flight back to California, but I want to thank her for the inspiration she left behind and her essence remains with me.

My current focus is a Pen & Ink drawing I started a while ago of Tiny Tim, the musical "genius" from the 60’s and 70’s. 

Now it’s time to get back to Tiny...

Stay tuned!