It’s about time I wrote on my blog. I really dont have much to say, however we’ll put the brain on autopilot and see what happens??
I like YouTube, well at least some of it. Also, I find myself getting tired of certain YouTubers that I used to enjoy. I think YouTubers can get stale and and a good sign that they're getting stale is when then they rely on their catchphrases, gimmicks and the same ole sh*t that they have always relied on. For instance, let's focus on Vegas Matt ( a youtuber in Las Vegas who throws insane amounts of cash into slot machines). I’ll admit that I was hooked on watching his channel for quite a while watching his *schtick.
*Schtick - A comedian or performer often has a shtick, which becomes the trick, song, or joke that people associate with her specifically. A clown's shtick could be falling flat on his back, and a pop star's shtick might be sticking out her tongue
However, how many times can one watch some rich guy throw away his money on gaming and not grow tired of that? Ok, you're rich. Ok, you think a lot of yourself. Ok, you play stupid a lot (i.e.,“Is that good??” he exclaims as the slot machine specifically tells him how much he won). Also, he likes to put his “friends” down when they make intelligent comments that he cant comprehend, to try and make himself feel superior....good stuff (harrumph!)
One YouTube channel that I haven't grown tired of yet is BIG JET TV. How could anyone grow tired of watching aircraft taking off and landing? I tell ya, I could watch this channel all freaking day...and sometimes I do just that. Occasionally have it on just for the background noise while I’m drawing. The host, Jerry Dyer, is entertaining and funny. Vegas Matt should take notes…
My latest YouTube obsessions…
- Anthony Hopkins (Creator of fan made trailer music)
- The Comics Den (I watch to be inspired by the art of comic books)
- Dani.702 (obvious reasons)
- Gamble Smart (the opposite of Vegas Matt)
- InTooDeep (Kid buys an old yacht, fixes it up, has adventures…living vicariously through this kid)