I loath air travel. It's not just the airport or airline employees. It's not just the overpriced airport food. It's not just airport security procedures. It's not just the person sitting next to me in sandals (without socks) with the obvious toe fungus problem (and their uncontrollable elbows constantly taking more than their fair share of the 1.5 inch seat arms that the airlines and aircraft manufacturers provide for our comfort). It's not just the constant delays. It's all of the above and more.
If it wasn't for the fact that there's a possibility that I'll save time as opposed to driving (and that's not a guarantee, given the constant and continuous delays) I would drive everywhere I needed to go.
Let's look at an example.
To drive from Reno to Las Vegas (or vice-versa) is approximately 7 hours (in comfort, no security, nobody in my car, whose company that I don't enjoy). So far on this trip home I've already spent 2.5 hours and my flight was delayed (surprise, surprise!) so I still have 1.5 hours until Southwest Airlines best (Ha!) guesstimate of a departure time. That's already 4 hours! The approximate flight time from Las Vegas to Reno is approximately 1.5 hours. So the best case scenario is that this trip will take 5.5 hours. So for an additional 1.5 hours, I could have taken my car!
To further elaborate my point. Given the fact that if I was driving, I would have left the hotel before dawn means, I WOULD HAVE BEEN HOME BY NOW!!
P.S. I made it home at approximately 6:30pm. That was almost exactly 7 hours after my Uber driver picked me up at the Luxor Hotel Casino (to take me to the airport) or approximately the same amount of time that it would have taken me to drive home.
Point made.