Sunday, August 18, 2019

I Left My Heart in San Francisco

"Hello my friends! I just flew in from San Francisco, California and boy are my arms tired!"

I know...that joke is even older than me (believe it or not) and I’m no Henny Youngman (now I’ve really lost you).

For the sake of honesty and truth in "media"...I just drove back from San Francisco, California (actually Stow Lake @ Golden Gate Park) and boy is my bum tired! 

However, it was worth it!

I was invited to draw caricatures at the One Year Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser of Beyond Rescue! What an amazing organization! We met some really wonderful people and their loved ones! Please check out their website to find out more and support them in anyway you can! 

Also, thank you Corina Beczner of Vibrant Events We appreciate the opportunity!

Enjoy the pictures by Photographer Stevey  from the event below!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Just Saying...

You can tell, when you have found your calling in life, by the fact that you really don’t want to do anything else. Which is a wonderful me.

However, I also believe that when you are working somewhere (that is not your calling), whether it be for necessity (you need to pay the bills) or the fact that you’re just too comfortable and too lazy to go after what you really want in life, the littlest things irritate you and you actually seek out these irritants. When this happens, this is your mind’s way of telling you to get off your butt and go after what you really want in life. Unfortunately, most of us ignore what our mind is telling us and we give into the irritations that we have searched for. When this happens, you become what the scientific community calls, Homo Whiny Ass Bitchy Employee Neanderthalensis. You can tell you are at this stage in your development, when you find yourself saying things like…

  • "Management don’t care ‘bout nobody!"
  • "I get written up fur breaking da rules that everybody breaks!"
  • "This companies so (insert curse word here) cheap!"
  • "I got me four job offers this week and I’m so outta here (yet, you’re still here)!
  • "I’m so tard of this here place!"
  • ..and so on…..

All of these may be ligament complaints, however if you don’t have the wherewithal to do something about it (get off your butt and change your situation), JUST SHUT UP!

By participating in these daily, "bitching out loud" sessions, you’re just making the situation worse. You’re especially making it worse for the other employees around you, who are just trying to make the best of their situation. They actually may like where they’re working. Maybe they just want to do their job, the best that they can, enjoy their day and go home. But, NOPE!!….they have to tolerate your whiny ass bitching sessions, EVERY FREAKING DAY!!!

Do the world a favor, fix your situation or keep your miserableness to yourself.

Just saying….

Monday, August 5, 2019

Private - No Social Media

Things are going exceptionally well here and I hope everything is going well for you.. 

This past weekend, I was at  Lake Tahoe for a private corporate event, to draw caricatures. Unfortunately, I was not able to take pictures like I normally do. The gig was booked through a 3rd party Booking Agent and after discussing the event with him, he seemed to be very reluctant to the idea of me taking pictures and posting them on social media. Which is fine, since he’s the one paying me (and without this agent, I wouldn’t have had the event this weekend), so I played by the rules. Still, the fact that I wasn’t able to take pictures, left me with a bad feeling. However, that’s life, and we move forward…

I did take some photos of my drawings and a couple Lake Tahoe (which was gorgeous as usual) Please check a few of them out below.

I was also thinking about Vlogging my trip up to Tahoe. However, my phone kept overheating, while I was trying to video the trip. So alas, it didn't happen. One of the days…

By the way, I have a new side gig (i.e., a second job until the caricatures create enough income so I need a second job). I’m working at Reno/Tahoe Airport, fueling airliners. Hopefully, this is my last side gig. Anyways, this job gives me a chance to be involved in my second passion, aviation. So that's cool and for now, it'll do..right? Below are some pictures I took, when not actively fueling aircraft. Enjoy and have a great day!