Monday, August 5, 2019

Private - No Social Media

Things are going exceptionally well here and I hope everything is going well for you.. 

This past weekend, I was at  Lake Tahoe for a private corporate event, to draw caricatures. Unfortunately, I was not able to take pictures like I normally do. The gig was booked through a 3rd party Booking Agent and after discussing the event with him, he seemed to be very reluctant to the idea of me taking pictures and posting them on social media. Which is fine, since he’s the one paying me (and without this agent, I wouldn’t have had the event this weekend), so I played by the rules. Still, the fact that I wasn’t able to take pictures, left me with a bad feeling. However, that’s life, and we move forward…

I did take some photos of my drawings and a couple Lake Tahoe (which was gorgeous as usual) Please check a few of them out below.

I was also thinking about Vlogging my trip up to Tahoe. However, my phone kept overheating, while I was trying to video the trip. So alas, it didn't happen. One of the days…

By the way, I have a new side gig (i.e., a second job until the caricatures create enough income so I need a second job). I’m working at Reno/Tahoe Airport, fueling airliners. Hopefully, this is my last side gig. Anyways, this job gives me a chance to be involved in my second passion, aviation. So that's cool and for now, it'll do..right? Below are some pictures I took, when not actively fueling aircraft. Enjoy and have a great day!

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