Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Little "Red-Haired" Girl

Love is not defined by the end result, love is defined by the journey.

She walks into the room...again. Your eyes and attention focus solely on her. Your heartbeat increases and that spell, that she has unknowingly cast upon you, consumes you. Everyone and everything that is happening around you, becomes insignificant, to the point of disappearing. What were you thinking? What were you doing, prior to the point in which she walked into the room? It doesn’t matter, for she is the sole focus of your universe. You’ve never seen anyone like her before and you know, you’ll never see anyone like her again.

This is the moment from which love songs are inspired and love stories are written. We all wait for this moment, but alas, it taunts us with paralysis. We can’t act. Life has taught us to be cautious to point of being jaded. How would one dare to approach such an immortal. For we are mere mortals and now our attention is focused on the unattainable. There is no place on this earth, where one who bows down before, rises and captures the heart of the princess like her.

So we move on...and yet we never forget.

Today you think she noticed you, or was that a mere glance of courtesy? When she is not looking, you capture her essence..a photograph for your memory. We all take moments to dream.

Days turn into nights and nights turn into tomorrows. Our indecisiveness causes our paths to divert. One path not taken, creates a new path and changes our future forever.

By Michael Hopkins - January 11th, 2018
*Peanuts by Charles Schultz

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