These early morning hours are getting old. My side gig is fueling airliners. I work the (EARLY) morning shift. I start at 3am, four days a week and one day at 4am. Besides the shift, I think it's the season, that's really putting the real pain in my butt. Working outside when its 19 degrees, is not pleasant. All this whining translates to the fact that I need to make even more of an effort, into my art. I can't see myself going through another winter, freezing my ass off at 3am. Given these truths, I am formulating a plan that'll let me stay in bed at 3am next winter.
Phase 1 - Hit the Road
I'm going to participate in festivals this spring and summer. To this point in time, I've been basically having booking agencies find gigs for me. Which is fine, when it happens, however when it doesn't, things become tight financially. So instead of waiting for gigs (drawing events) to come to me, I'm going create my own opportunies by attending festivals and events this spring and summer ("if the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain") Last weekend I started making a list of upcoming events, I'd like to participate in. My criteria for the events include,
Low Vendor Participation Fee
Within Reasonable Proximity of My Home
Would I Enjoy the Event?
Good Festival Attendance History?
I'm sure there will be more criteria added to this list as my knowledge of festivals grows, however I believe it's a good start. So we'll give it a shot this spring and summer and see what happens?
Phase 2 - Digital Caricatures
This coming spring and summer. Michael Hopkins Caricatures will be introducing digital caricatures. I've always been a little condescending of digital art, believing that it's not "real art" . Well thanks to my 19 year old (who totally embraces future technology), the old man has come around and is embracing the digital age.

From what I have deduced, basically the only difference is I'll be drawing on a digital pad, vs. paper and ink. I'm not giving up paper and ink, basically I'll be using the digital pad, when and where its appropriate (and requested). What's also cool about the digital art is that you'll be able to watch me draw at events, because what I am drawing on the digital pad, will be teleported (Star Trek talk) onto a screen behind me. Then "wallah" (old timey word)...hit print and the drawing will be yours (or I can just email a copy)! There's so much more that I'm planning on doing with the digital caricatures, that I would need an additional blog just to tell you about it (and God knows, I'm having a difficult enough time just keeping up with this blog!). So just stay tuned and I'll pass along the digital progress, in future blogs (I know this because, I've just came back from the future to see how the future blogs are doing).
Phase 3 - Coming Soon
My next flights here, so I better wrap up this blog up for now and pump 63,000 gallons of Jet A, into this Airbus, while freezing my ass off...