Sunday, April 18, 2021

More Random Thoughts

It appears my blogging is down to once a month? Note to need to blog more often.

Random thought #1. Is digital art real? It’s occasionally very cool. Like other art, some of it fascinates me (of course some of it I loathe) however, if it only exists on a computer chip on our personal devices, is only displayed on social media and doesn't have a physical form, is it real? Same with books or digital downloads of books (of course, a digital download is not really a book, it’s just a story), I prefer the real physical books made of forests (sorry tree huggers...however recycled paper is ok with me as well). It just seems to me we are headed to a point in the future (probably beyond my lifespan) where our entire society will only exist on our personal devices (or maybe it already does?). Does that mean we are already living in this society? What happens, if for some reason, the internet crashes and computer chips and their contents become worthless? Most of our society would be lost and some fascinating art would no longer exist, albeit in the creator's mind. As for me, I would be drawing pictures and writing this blog in a notebook that nobody would see. Well...I guess, nothing much would change.

In case you haven't visited recently, the Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store still exists. I’ll be adding more art soon. By the way, I’m still looking for a gallery to display my art, however, in case this doesn't happen, my brain is working on other options...including opening my own gallery  

Random thought #2. I am considering getting a booth at the 2021 Reno Air Races to sell, display and market, my Aviation Caricatures.  It's expensive, but the benefits might outweigh the expense? 

Random thought #3. Speaking of my aviation caricatures, those seem to be my most popular artistic forms of expression (i.e., most popular drawings). This really doesn't surprise me. I find creating aviation caricatures the most enjoyable aspect of my profession. When I create aviation caricatures it seems less like work and more like, well...just drawing and enjoying myself. It’s not that I don't enjoy creating  caricatures of people, it's just that I seem to  put more pressure on myself to get the caricature exactly right, when creating a caricature of a human vs. creating an airplane caricature. Actually it’s probably the fact that I like being around aviation, more than I like being around people. 

Just kidding...maybe..

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