Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Carpe Diem!

I am sorry to report my friends, that the Daily Planet is on life support...in fact, if it had a pulse, one would have a tough time finding it. So let's save some time and start the future obituary, today.


Today I lost two years of my life, I will never get back. ‘

I’m resigned to resign my position as "a mild mannered reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper", due to its pending demise around me. The cause of said demise? Although it will be written in the journals of future deceivers as covid (to exaggerate the body count) the true cause of death is indifference (nobody cared) the saddest of non-carers is those who had the power to change the course of history. Instead, these power brokers chose to protect their comfort zone and take the path of least resistance. Effectively signing the Daily Planet's death sentence.

Which brings me to the future and I am the only one that controls that future. Since I have already established the fact that I can foresee the future, this should be (if not easy) at the very least, attainable. I have come to that fork in the road (again). I can sit around on my ass or I can, seize the day! 

The future is mine, the past is gone. 44 days and counting...

Monday, July 5, 2021

It's a good day!

It's been a good weekend. Not only because I've been feeling amazing lately, I've also created two of the most beautiful caricatures I have ever created. Yep, I feel good. 

Now of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but being the creator, I take exception to that rule. These are amazing drawings and I'm very proud of them. Let's take a look…

The first one, is a caricature of Elvis Presley. Not only am I a fan, I may be obsessed with the King. Is obsession a bad thing? I guess given the extent of the obsession, it could be. However, I'm not going to obsess over my obsession with Elvis Presley. Trust me, I have it under control...I think??

This drawing was created on, July 2nd, 2021 on 11" x 16" Canson Illustration board, with pen & ink and a tiny bit of wash. The drawing will soon be available at the Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store (https://michaelhopkinscaricatures.ecwid.com/) both the original and limited edition Giclee prints.

Elvis Presley - Circa 1971
by Michael Hopkins
Created 07/02/2021

The second is also a second (huh??). I created my first Charlie Chaplin in 2010. This one was created July 4th 2021. I love this drawing.

This second Charlie Chaplin caricature was created on 11"x16" Canson Illustration board with pen & ink and ink wash. This original drawing and limited edition prints are available at the Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store https://michaelhopkinscaricatures.ecwid.com/ 

Charlie Chaplin
by Michael Hopkins
Created 07/04/2021

That's all for now, we'll talk soon...

Saturday, July 3, 2021


I realized something yesterday, I cant do everything...

I have six basic components to my art, Pen & Ink caricatures, Event Caricatures, Aviation Caricatures, My two webcomics, Missed Approach and Cosmic Fowl and of course my blog (this is what you're reading)…oh and there’s my side gig, fueling airplanes. So yesterday at 3:30am, while waiting for the FedEx 757 to arrive…

I realized that some of the components of my art are suffering, because of my overreaching on other components of my art. After this self realization at 3:30am (while listening to rough idling sounds of a 10k in desperate need of a tune up),
I decided that I can't do everything and I need to make some changes in the prioritization of my art.

My art is the priority, however for the time being (because of the fact that I need to eat and have a roof over my head), fueling is a close second. That being said, I decided to do some math. Life gives me a total of the 168 hours each week (still haven't figured out a way to increase the total umber of hours in a week). Fueling airplanes takes approximately 40-ish hours of the 168. That leaves 128 hours remaining. I sleep approximately 6 hours a night. (I know I should sleep more, but that will come eventually...hopefully), that leaves 86 hours a week. Life in general (eating, cleaning, marketing my art, shopping, drinking coffee, driving to work, watching Frasier…) probably takes an average of 5 hours a day (35 hours a week), that leaves 51 hours a week for my art. This means that I have approximately 7 hours a day to distribute to all facets of my art. That may seem like a lot, however when I divide that into 6 different categories, that leaves about an hour for each category. Considering the fact that it takes me approximately 4 to 5 hours to make a good drawing (i.e., a drawing that meets my expectations) the arithmetic doesn't work


So I decided that I need to trim down the roster. Although, last week I made a decision to bring back one of my webcomics (Cosmic Fowl) to three days a week, given time the time limitations, it was an incorrect decision. Also, given the fact that one comic takes approximately 3 hours to complete, combined with the fact that I wanted to post three days a week, left the caricatures (my specialties) and the Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog (an important promotional tool) suffering badly. So I’m rethinking the Cosmic Fowl, three days a week thingy. Until have have more hours in my day to draw (i.e., I no longer need to fuel airplanes to survive), Cosmic Fowl, will be posted once a week... let's say, Sunday. This frees up a lot of time for the caricatures, while still keeping the webcomics alive (albeit on life support). 

Speaking of my art, lets look at the newest stuff...

Retirement Drawing

Cosmic Fowl #23

"Larry David"

I tend to make decisions on gut instinct and occasionally forget to consult the brain on the decisions, which leads to rethinking decisions…

Life goes forward...