Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Michael Hopkins Cartoons 365

The Michael Hopkins Cartoons 365 Challenge Begins Tomorrow January 1st, 2025

I must complete one drawing each day, for 365 days, beginning January 1st, 2025. A continuation of a drawing from the previous day may be substituted for a completed drawing. This continuation may include inking or painting/coloring or additional drawing.

My results will be posted daily on

The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Website

Instagram @iamscribbles

Want to have fun? Join me and tag me on Instagram @iamscribbles

Monday, December 30, 2024

Manifestations and Other Hippie Bullshit

Good morning! Michael here, at the ol' Reno Tahoe Airport. Today we're gonna talk about manifestations. After contemplating, researching and discussing manifestations with my *Muse…Let’s call her Madison (not her real name)

*Muse…  In Greek and Roman mythology each of the nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, presided over the arts and sciences.


a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for.

I think the second definition more accurately describes Madison. Although it wouldn't surprise me if she was a daughter of Zeus or a Goddess, for that matter

Every artist should have one (or is it, every successful artist has one?). It's amazing how much inspiration she provides. Or maybe she is not providing the inspiration she’s just opening my heart and mind to the creativeness that's within? Either way, she's special and I think I'll keep her around. Of course, that's up to her. Only a fool would try to cage a Muse. As a mere mortal, I can only provide her with some happiness, hoping that she'll want to stick around…

Her first inspired musings were of manifestations/intentioning or to be more specific, my ability to manifest things that I wanted to happen. Although I'm a firm believer in this ability, lately I've been more like a blind man trying to jump his motorcycle over the Snake River Canyon, rather than an artist in charge of his destiny. 

Manifesting or Intentioning is not some “hippy bullshit” (as someone so pleasantly put it to me ) as it's basically taking the steps and actions required to ensure the results you seek, Grasshopper (where's my hookah and love beads??).


As part of the process to achieve my results (and to give a big FUCK YOU to those Manifestation Strategy Books and similar self help hippie bullshit on the internet), I'm introducing The Michael Hopkins Cartoons 365 (subtitle) 365 drawings in 365 Days for Better Mental Health…and I’m going to post each one of them. Yikes! That'll mess up my head!!

Anywho…There's much more to this plan than the Michael Hopkins Cartoons 365 and this blog is already too long, so we’ll discuss it more as we move forward…

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Exit Strategy

Hello blogosphere! Well, 2025 is almost upon us and I thought I'd share some random thoughts about my employment status, heading into the new year.

Unfortunately, The Daily Planet's just getting worse. Apparently there's no shortage of idiots out there with zero supervisory skills willing to take the position of Supervisor, without knowing the definition of the term. So as a public service, Michael Hopkins Cartoons would like to provide the definition of Supervisor, courtesy of our Director of Terms Analysis, former A.I. Sex Bot,  Desiree Benover. 

“A supervisor is a managerial role that involves overseeing employees' work to ensure quality and productivity.”

Desiree Benover

Thank you Desiree!

Interestingly,  nowhere in Desiree's definition do I see the terms, sleeping, pissy attitude, non-communication or training via osmosis. Oh well, it is what it is and it ain't what it ain't. However, I do have a suggestion for Management when it comes to future Supervisory candidates, Hire a relative of the late, Bobo the Gorilla (Seattle Institution).

At least he could engage in non verbal communication and at the very least, Bobo could roll his poop into little balls and throw it at those who are not paying attention. 

I guess it's time to quit bitching and plan my exit. I know, I know, I've been talking about this as long as I've been a “Reporter” at the Daily Planet. However, the time has come to make an action plan that includes a detailed strategy and specific target dates to achieve my goal…before I go insane (some may say, that I’m already there)

As such I'm going to develop a plan in the next week and publish it on December 31st. Starting in January I will start publishing the results of this plan throughout 2025 until my exit! And then, you’ll be reading the endless stream of madness, from a full time Cartoonist.

Stay Tuned!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Return of the Michael Hopkins Cartoons Vlog

Well, I completed my new, Michael Hopkins Cartoons Vlog video and if I'm going to be honest about it, I’d give it a rating of about two stars out of five. My critique?  Well, let's look at the negatives first (because there weren't many positives (LOL!)

  • The video quality sucked (to be fair I made it at 3am), 

  • It wouldn't hurt if I’d smile more during the video

  • I sensed a bit of pissyness in myself

  • I need to focus more on my art and less on fueling airplanes

  • I really would like to see less of myself

A few positives…

  • The editing of the video is pretty simple with Clipchamp (not a sponsor, but it would not bother me if they did (hint, hint??)

  • I love my opening (of course I made it a few years ago)

At first I thought that I was too old to do these YouTube videos,  then I watched an episode of Robert Herjavec’s YouTube channel featuring one of my hero’s Jay Leno (see below).

Robert is only a year younger than me (62) and Jay is older than me (74). The video was great and more entertaining than anything I've recently watched on YouTube. So after watching that video, I've decided that I no dont give a shit about my age or what people think of it. If I’m too old for someone to be interested in watching my videos, don't watch them.

In conclusion, the video  turned out better than I expected, as I had very low expectations. As such, as Gladys Knight once sang, I’ve got to keep on keeping on! I’m sure the next one will be better and if I continue to improve my videos, I should have something watchable in about 10 years (Slight exaggeration). My video is below, feel free to check it out. Oh, Like and subscribe!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Next Step

I'm about to do the scariest thing I’ve ever done (appropriate, given the fact that it’s the scary Halloween season) I’m about to become a Vlogger! Oh I know that I’ve threatened this before, but now (I think) i’m ready, I’m Ready, I’M READY!!!!

Now the whole reason to do this isn't to become a famously rich Vlogger (although that idea doesn’t bother me), the genesis of my vlogging is to bring more attention to my art. Any publicity is good publicity, right? So if I go vlogging and make a complete ass of myself as long as my art get’s more attention, then my vlogging will be a success.

Although the focus of my vlog will be my art, the vlog will basically be an extension (or maybe replacement) of this Blog. As such, the vlog will be, “a place for my thoughts, observations, remembrances and general incoherent ramblings concerning the creative process behind his drawings and life in general…” I plan on also including travel vlogs of the places I go and people I meet during my adventures for my art.

To paraphrase Dr. Seuss…Oh the places I’ll go. Including…

  • Michael Hopkins Caricatures Events
  • Videos of me drawing (from start to finish)
  • Las Vegas, Seattle, Lake Tahoe and various other travel destinations
  • I may sneak you into The Daily Planet
  • And much more (including several ideas that haven't come to fruition yet)

I have the camera, I have the starting equipment and so I’m ready to go. Since I've tried it a couple times long ago, I realize I’m not very good at it, so don't expect much. However, I’ll try to have some fun and we’ll see what happens.

To follow my YouTube channel, visit the link below

iamscribbles YouTube

There’s a few early videos already there, if you're interested. I definitely have some work to do and work we shall do!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Peter Principle and Bowling

From way back, when I was a Hotel General Manager, to just noticing it again last week, there’s one constant in The Michael Hopkins’ Management Observation Theory. That constant is, you can always spot supervisor whose reached their *Peter Principle. 

*The Peter Principle states that an employee continues to receive promotions to work in higher ranks up to that point where he reaches a level of incompetence. In simple terms, the higher the hierarchy ladder an individual goes, the more likely he is to fail in his new position

According to my theory, the first sign is when the newly promoted supervisor tries to look important. One method for achieving this important look is to purposely pace back and forth while talking on their cell phone, with an annoyed look on their face (I believe this is directly inspired by the George Costanza theory that if he looks annoyed people will think he's busy).

These lost souls perform this ritual in front of the people they’re supervising (trying to look as though the fate of the world is in their hands), trying to look important and awe inspiring (i.e.,“Gee, look at that Supervisor! They must be important, they’re talking on their cell phone to someone who’s giving him vital instructions that pertain to the end of the world!!), When in actuality, it’s probably their mom on the phone. 

Below is my latest drawing, it is a caricature of my son. My son’s a brilliant individual, who’s currently serving his country in the U.S. Navy. I created this drawing when he asked me for a caricature of his alter ego (a musician who’ll make his mark on this world after his time with the Navy). It's definitely him, sans the current U.S. Navy hairstyle...

It's currently pouring down rain in Reno, Nevada and I'm watching The PBA Foxx View Lanes Open on YouTube (and finishing this blog posting). I think this tournament was  played last week?? That doesn't bother me as I have it on for background noise while I'm working. I do like bowling, both watching the professionals and bowling myself. At best, Im an average bowler. The average bowler in the PBA (Professional Bowlers Association) makes about as much as I do, delivering Jet A to aircraft so people can pay exorbitant prices to travel uncomfortably to various destinations...

And now the list you all have been waiting for, The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog Favorite Professional Bowlers

  • Brad Miller
  • EJ Tackett
  • Wes Malott
  • Kris Prather
  • Dasha Kovalova
  • Verity Crawley
  • Daria Pajak
  • Danielle McEwan
That's enough rambling for now, I'm going to bed...

Sunday, September 29, 2024

This and That

August 12th !?!?! Holy crap Batman!

Yep, August 12th was when I wrote my last blog. Actually, there wasn’t going to be any more written blogs as I was going to transform into video blogs. However, my introvert-ness has gotten the best of me and I’m still trying to find the courage to start my video blog. I got the camera and the phone and the idea…now I just need to forget about what everyone is going to think of my video blog and just do it! It’ll happen…just be patient. As for now let's highlight a few things that have been happening in the world of Michael Hopkins Cartoons…

First off I've sold some more art through Fine Art America. Although it's a small piece of art (a greeting card), it was nonetheless my art. Also it was my first sale in the United Kingdom, so I was pretty stoked!

Below is the announcement and a picture of the drawing.

"Michael Hopkins sold a greeting card of Airbus A320neo to a buyer from Norwich, Norfolk - United Kingdom."

Fine Art america is kinda cool, because you can access prints of my art in various sizes and on various materials (from postcards to full size prints). 

Here's the link, check it out Michael Hopkins - Fine Art America

Last Friday I had two, Michael Hopkins Event Caricatures gigs, in less than 8 hours. This kind of thing used to stress me out, but now I find it a challenge. Its funny how our perspective changes as we grow more confident with our skills. Maybe that will happen as I start my video blog and gain confidence, well see. Anyways here’s a few highlights from those gigs. Also,  I've added a few photos from my gig a few weeks ago, up in Washington State. Enjoy!

And a few more from Washington State...

And finally, I got back in the Aviation caricature mode with my rendition of the Convair B-58 Hustler. Developed in the 1950's, the B-58 entered service in 1960 and flew for over 10 years with the Strategic Air Command (speaking of which, that's also the title of one of my favorite classic movies starring Jimmy Stewart)...anyways.

Monday, August 12, 2024


It seems we have some active transitioning taking place at the Daily Planet. What else would explain the transformation of male employees into sixteen year old girls? Although these “males” physically would never be mistaken for females, their actions lately bear a striking resemblance to adolescent teens in a social clique (as defined below by Oxford Languages).


a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them."the old-school clique”

Yep that pretty much describes these pathetic individuals. Now of course males can be in cliques, however these girls' propensity to start giggling and whispering in hushed tones when employees (who they've deemed unworthy of being in their presence) makes me realize that I haven't seen this type of behavior since high school. 

What I realize now (that I didn't realize in high school) is that these social cliques are for lemmings who have no self esteem and very little self worth.  They use these cliques to try and raise their low self esteem or make themselves feel better about their pathetic lives by putting down others or excluding others from their clique (which no rational human being would want to be involved in, in the first place). So where are these "clique members" from high school now? They’re living in their past on Facebook or hoping with bated breath for their next high school reunion, where, for a few precious hours, they can live in a past existence that in reality, mattered to no one, except themselves...

The thing to do, it seems to me, is to prepare yourself so you can be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud. Somebody who may not look like you. May not call God the same name you call God - if they call God at all. I may not dance your dances or speak your language. But be a blessing to somebody. That's what I think. - Maya Angelou


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Random Thoughts and Demons

Random thoughts at 3:18am while waiting for a flight from Oakland…

My new website, Michael Hopkins Cartoons, is now working and available on the internet! The genesis behind the new site is to create an online location where fans of my art can access everything that I have created through one location. To use airline terminology, a kind of *hub and spoke system for Michael Hopkins Cartoons stuff. 




: being or relating to a system of routing air traffic in which a major airport serves as a central

point for coordinating flights to and from other airports

My new site does exactly that, which includes the following,

  • The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store 
  • Michael Hopkins Event Caricatures 
  • The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog 
  • My webcomic, Cosmic Fowl 
  • My webcomic, Missed Approach 

I have also included an event calendar so people can see where I'll be appearing at events (and I have some ideas for some pretty quirky events, so stay tuned). This way, people who are interested, can get their caricature drawn. I'll also have my prints available at these events. So, checkout my website and let me know what you think.

Michael Hopkins Cartoons

My plans for the future also include a revamped iamscribbles YouTube channel (because my last attempt sucked!)

Welcome to My Nightmare

I actually had a nightmare last night, something that was totally unexpected. The premise of what seemed like a short nightmare, was that I was living in a house which had several items that were possessed (that’s right! evil spirits!!). Anyways... these items had to be removed from my house to exercise these demons (which I did, thank you)…and then I woke up. 

My amateur analysis of this dream is that I have to remove certain things/bad habits from my life that are impeding me from achieving my goals (i.e.,success). Although I'm not going to get into what these personal demons are (that's too personal), however, they are in fact, impeding me from achieving my goals. I definitely can identify these demons and I'm definitely going to exercise (exorcise?) these personal demons (that was a bit of a clue)...and no, I don't use drugs or drink too much alcohol, so guess again :)

Well, the flights here, so I need to go pump some Jet A into a well used Boeing 757.

Enjoy the rest of your sleep!


Sunday, July 7, 2024


One of those thought provoking moments happened the other day, while discussing my future caricature events with a *wantrepreneur.

*wantrepreneur a person who aspires to be an entrepreneur, especially one who never realizes this ambition -https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wantrepreneur )

I realized something during our conversation, this guy’s got his shit together more than I do (which doesn't mean he's got his shit together, it just means that he's got his shit together more than I do) The difference between him and myself is that he has specific, formulated and even some activated plans. I don't know if I’d agree with him that his plans are good plans, but at least he's got plans and I respect that. Lately, I feel like I’m just lollygagging through this life of an artist (with an end goal of self independence (or happiness, as I like to put it.) He’s proactive about his goals, I’ve been reactive about mine.I need to become proactive.

Skip : You guys. You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you? Larry!

Larry : Lollygaggers!

Skip : Lollygaggers.

Bull Durham (1988)

To that end I have decided to quit lollygagging. Sure I've gotten by as a Lollygagger. Luckily my talent has been carrying this reactive person through life lately. However, the talent side of my brain is getting tired of carrying the load, so it's time to wake up the other side of the  brain and become, Proactive Man!! (UGH! I’m going to need more coffee…). With that end in mind, I'm working on my first step.. I’ve reutilized the name Michael Hopkins Cartoons, built a new website and now I’m just waiting for Internet Gods to recognize my URL, michaelhopkinscartoons.com (in the Internet Gods defense, it’s been a while since I used that URL) Through this new website, one will be able to access all my stuff though one website

  • The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog
  • The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Store
  • (Booking) Michael Hopkins Event Caricatures
  • Missed Approach (webcomic)
  • Cosmic Fowl (webcomic)
  • A list of upcoming Michael Hopkins Event Caricature Events. 
So as of this moment in time, I'm still waiting on Squarespace to get it's shit together and help me get my shit together. I'll keep you updated.

Following are a few highlights from my latest gigs. Enjoy!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Caricatures vs. Caricatures

I'm currently working on what I consider to be one of my most amazing drawings. Its also my latest attempt to exorcize my personal demons of being lazy (in regards to my artistic output). 

To be fair to myself, I've had quite a substantial output of drawings lately. However, these drawings mostly involve Event Caricatures and various other scribbles (Not that there's anything wrong with that), but I don't find myself as challenged as I do with my Pen and Ink Caricatures. Don't get me wrong, I love creating Event Caricatures. There's almost nothing as rewarding as creating a little joy and happiness in this occasionally fucked-up world up live in, by drawing my silly caricatures of people. However, my pen and ink caricatures hold a special place in my soul. When I rise to the challenge of successfully transferring my thoughts (via the pen nib, dipped into the India ink and onto the paper) it's exhilarating and completely satisfying. Maybe it's my homage to the great Caricaturists that have drawn before me (Al Hirschfeld, Mort Drucker and Jack Davis) that have brought joy to my life through their work. 

By the way, if you're wondering who's the subject of caricature I'm referring to at the beginning of this blog, here's a clue…

The two subjects of my latest caricature share the same first names with another two people of historical significance. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Oh Well

Contrary to all of the religious organizations that I sampled throughout my youth, I don't believe that heaven is up there above the clouds somewhere. I believe that heaven surrounds us. I also believe that when our physical bodies live out their usefulness, our souls remain. 

Moving on…

I adore a good conversation,  however I loathe, chit chat or mingling. On a daily basis I'm faced with individuals (basically two people, we’ll call them Frick and Frack) who will come up to me and just stare at me (I presume they're trying to engage in a conversation). Besides being creepy, I don't work that way. If you want a conversation with me, say something. If I wanted a conversation, I would definitely let you know. On occasion when I ignore these puzzling advances into my personal space I will occasionally ask the person, “WHAT?!?!” “Oh nothing”, is their usual response. Then what’s the FREAKIN’ point? Some might consider this antisocial behavior on my part, but it is not. It's merely me refusing to participate in idle chit-chat. On the other hand, if you want to have a conversation with me, let's do it, I'm all ears! However, proceed with caution and start with a question, not a stare... 

I can't help about the shape I'm in

I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin

But don't ask me what I think of you

I might not give the answer that you want me to

Oh well

Now, when I talked to God I knew he'd understand

He said, "Stick by my side and I'll be your guiding hand

But don't ask me what I think of you

I might not give the answer that you want me to"

Oh well

I can't help about the shape I'm in

I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin

But don't ask me what I think of you

I might not give the answer that you want me to

Oh well

Oh Well-Fleetwood Mac

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Random thoughts at 2:00am

Not Leaving Las Vegas is the most irritatingly pleasurable channel on YouTube. It’s host “Steven J.” is a contradiction in personalities. A man who would not be out of place in the lead role in one of the, “Revenge of the Nerds" movies. However, this individual with the nerdy look (probably has his pants tucked into his socks, a pocket protector and a fanny pack) also has some mighty kahunas (or he's just not very intelligent) as he ventures into the dark recesses of Las Vegas for our viewing pleasure. I’ve seen Steven accidentally filming drug deals, wandering into swingers clubs and sprinting in the opposite direction while being chased by local ne'er-do-wells. 

Steven J.

I believe Steven is the classic closet narcissist with self doubt tendencies that are only exceeded by his overblown self importance. Even with these character traits, I enjoy his channel. It's fun to watch him explain his philosophies about the “YouTube  business. However, when faced with critical comments, he will occasionally reiterate the fact that it is his YouTube channel and that is his business, so he can do and say what he wants (true). Unfortunately at the same time, Steven whines like a little bitch when a casino decides that they don't want him live streaming in their business and asks him to leave…

Cringy things to watch for, besides his whining…

  • His Michael Scott-esque pop song references (no he can't carry a tune) at every possible and obvious opportunity he gets and then blurts out the name of the group and song title.
  • The way he points to locations with his hand (in front of his camera, that's already focused on the location) when he's referring to a specific building or area (and lord knows he's not the only youtuber that does this!). 

Even with all his cringy faults (God knows I have my own) I'd recommend his YouTube channel. Not Leaving Las Vegas. He seems like a nice and genuine little fella (even if he is a little self absorbed) who makes original and interesting content, in a YouTube world full of insincere and unoriginal content.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The New Party Planning Committee

Last Known Photo of The Chosen One

It's official, the inmates have officially (officially official??) taken over the asylum (literally) and unfortunately it appears that there's no turning back. It's unfortunate, because the Daily Planet, as an institution, had its merits and some of the inmates that have taken over since the departure of The Chosen One (see above) are sufficiently intelligent people (however there are sufficiently unintelligent people as well). Due to the amount of incoherence, lack of logic and the overall notgiveashitness emanating from the Federation Council, there’s more chance of a full Beatles reunion than a logical decision finding its way out of the new committee. Why? Because once Shari Lewis retires and Lamb Chop, Hush Puppy and Charlie Horse no longer have her hand up their ass (making their every decision for them), and in turn, these puppets must make their own decisions...well, it'll be time for this Cartoonist Extraordinaire to move on.

To paraphrase Yukon Cornelius, "Oh, well, now I'm off to get my life-sustaining supplies: cornmeal and gun powder, pens & ink, drawing paper and hammock's. I'm going to go draw some funny pictures..."

                                     Lamb Chop, Hush Puppy and Charlie Horse

For those of you who question the factuality of my blog, the following are classified minutes from Lamb Chop's, Hush Puppy's and Charlie Horse's the most recent Party Planning Committee (Shari wasn't in attendance). Although I can't divulge the name of my inside source (I will just call him Deep Throat for now)…these minutes were obtained via The Freedom of Useless Information Act. 

  • 12:37 pm - Meeting called to order (actual start time was 8am, however the entire committee failed to show up until 11:28 am).
  • 12:45 pm. Argument breaks out as to who’s in charge here???
  • 1:15 pm - After what was to be a 5 minute smoke/cool down break, the meeting is called to order again.
  • 1:57 pm. After the tape measures were found useless in the, Who’s got the Biggest Penis contest (or was it, who is biggest dick??), the decision was made to use a micrometer. Unfortunately, due to their tiny sizes, the lengths still could not be judged accurately (even with the micrometer) and thus it was agreed upon that all members of the Committee are equally tiny (by the way, 9mm is nothing to be proud of).
  • 2:36 pm After another “5 minute” after a smoke break, the meeting resumed.
  • 2:59 pm The meeting adjourned after it was discovered that no member of the Party Planning Committee could read the corporate supplied instructional booklet, Supervising Employees for Dummies
  • 3:05 pm Orlando, Babs and Howdy Doody clean up the meeting room while proclaiming, “this is not our job!”
Orlando, Babs and Jimmy

Saturday, April 27, 2024

My Own Worst Critic

One of my best creations is my webcomic, Missed Approach.Its the story (in webcomic form) of an airline, it's crew and their daily pursuit of their next destination. Starring, Capt. James P. Kurt, First Officer, Dan Doodles and Flight Attendants, Doris McKenna and Cali Crystal.

 My first Missed Approach webcomic was self published on September 12th, 2011 and has been published very sporadically since then but not due to lack of effort, want or even ideas (as i constantly think about this webcomic and feel it is inferior to very few comics). As I have stated before, I am my own worst critic and this self criticism has stopped many amazing ideas from seeing the light of day. However there is hope for the future as I have been influenced greatly by the philosophy of Rick Rubin. Although I'm sure that when Rick is referring to artists, he's referring to musical artists, his philosophy of creation for oneself first and putting the public second has helped me in my self criticism. When I say that I am my worst critic, that criticism has it genesis in my doubts about whether the public will like my creations. I love my art, but that self doubt about whether the public will like my art leads to my self doubts about my love for my art. The result being not letting a lot of my creativity see light of day. This must change.

It's not that I don't appreciate the appreciation of my art, but I have decided to put myself and my art first and to no longer worry about adulation, because it doesn't matter. What matters is that my art will no longer limited by my self doubts. If you like the art that I created for myself first, then that's amazing. You are appreciating my true art and not art being filtered by what I think you want to see, but instead the uncensored creativity that is coming from my soul and finding its way onto my paper.

And now a few of my favorite pictures from my most recent gigs…

This is one of my favorite event caricatures. This event took place 
at the Virginia City High School Prom. 

This caricature was drawn at Virginia City High School Prom as well. Gracie and Luke were in a serious car accident in which both of these kids broke their backs (yikes!). Thank goodness they're recovering amazingly! 

This couple was at An Evening of Music and Motion presented by 
Drive Toward a Cure for the Parkinson Support Center of Northern Nevada.

Another couple from the event. I think I did a great job at capturing their personality!

A Father and Daughter at the event. Although when I drew her glasses it partially changed the look of her eyes, it still turned our to be on of my favorite event Caricatures!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Lessons Learned

Hello Everyone!

Well, Michael Hopkins Caricature's first airshow appearance is in the books. While it was far from profitable, overall it was a very positive experience I made a few great contacts and I learned some valuable lessons

The journey started April 5th when I left Reno, Nevada (home) for Laughlin Nevada (home of the 2024 Laughlin/Bullhead City Airshow). The first lesson learned was that I need a Van. Trying to pack all of my event supplies (canopy, tables, chairs, canopy weights and walls, drawing supplies, luggage, etc., etc. etc.) into my little Ford Focus was almost impossible. In fact, technically it was impossible, as I left several items at home because they wouldn't fit. 

Since I couldn't pack any food in an ice chest (again, because there was no room for an ice chest in the car) my first stop was Mc Donald's for breakfast and even though I had brought coffee from home, I did order the meal (which included some more coffee from McDonalds). 

FACT! One cannot have enough coffee for a road trip. Also, being a friend of, “if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong” , I had two portions of coffee now and as such, I would be safe in case of an emergency. You know, in case my car broke down in the middle of the Nevada Desert?? Even though I'd be stranded in the middle of the desert, out of water, dying of heat stroke (well kinda, it was early April…and cloudy) I would at least have a robust supply of caffeine (still relatively hot in my mug) until I reached Tonopah, Nevada (approximately 240 miles)

When I started approaching Tonopah, I could tell there was a minor traffic stop ahead for some road repairs (if I remember correctly from my previous trips, it was needed) and some road construction work in Tonopah itself (again needed). Thank God I had an additional supply of coffee for those 15 minutes of waiting…

After a stop in Tonopah for fuel and more caffeine (this time in the form of Coca Cola), the remaining journey was a breeze. Actually, I should say the drive to Las Vegas was a breeze. You see, I was under the impression that Laughlin was close to Las Vegas. It's not (*well, relatively speaking it is, it's about 100 miles) however in my mind it was a lot closer and my mind was the device calculating the need for restroom stops. 

Just a thought…why isn't there an road trip app that would calculate your age, beverages drank and miles driven and in-turn suggest the need and locations of rest stops??

All of this info didn't matter until I passed Las Vegas, glanced at Google Maps and realized I had an hour and a half till I Laughlin Nevada (WTF?!?!?) I was certain a YouTuber had informed me Laughlin was close to Las Vegas??? Well, so much for that YouTuber’s dependability (*again, relatively speaking, Las Vegas is close to Laughlin however when the brain is being influenced by the bladder, an hour and  half, isn't close at all!!!)  Thank God for Searchlight Nevada, an overpriced Chevron station and McDonald's! Fuel purchased, coffee replenished and bladder emptied! On to Laughlin! 

Lesson learned? When one's been drinking all morning (coffee, coffee, water, Coca Cola, lukewarm coffee and water) while driving over 500 miles, make liberal use of all rest areas!

Anywho…here’s some pics from Michael Hopkins Caricatures first Airshow! Enjoy!

Laughlin, Nevada

As advertised, "The Best Corndog in the World"