Monday, August 5, 2019

Private - No Social Media

Things are going exceptionally well here and I hope everything is going well for you.. 

This past weekend, I was at  Lake Tahoe for a private corporate event, to draw caricatures. Unfortunately, I was not able to take pictures like I normally do. The gig was booked through a 3rd party Booking Agent and after discussing the event with him, he seemed to be very reluctant to the idea of me taking pictures and posting them on social media. Which is fine, since he’s the one paying me (and without this agent, I wouldn’t have had the event this weekend), so I played by the rules. Still, the fact that I wasn’t able to take pictures, left me with a bad feeling. However, that’s life, and we move forward…

I did take some photos of my drawings and a couple Lake Tahoe (which was gorgeous as usual) Please check a few of them out below.

I was also thinking about Vlogging my trip up to Tahoe. However, my phone kept overheating, while I was trying to video the trip. So alas, it didn't happen. One of the days…

By the way, I have a new side gig (i.e., a second job until the caricatures create enough income so I need a second job). I’m working at Reno/Tahoe Airport, fueling airliners. Hopefully, this is my last side gig. Anyways, this job gives me a chance to be involved in my second passion, aviation. So that's cool and for now, it'll do..right? Below are some pictures I took, when not actively fueling aircraft. Enjoy and have a great day!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Someone Saved My Life...

I almost fell off the cliff...

Someone Saved My Life Tonight - Elton John

To begin at the beginning... Two weeks ago, I almost gave up all of this, for the "brass ring". Of course that ring came with a 24/7 work schedule (at least being on call  24/7) and the forfeiture of my life as I know it.

As I’ve probably mentioned before, I previously had that life And the day that I left it, was (and still is) one of the happiest days of my life..and yet..I was about to jump into it again. Yes, sometimes I question my sanity (actually quite often). 

Anyways...prior to relocating to Gallifrey...and due two intense weeks of little sleep and High Anxiety...

I decided I needed a break and make sure I was doing the right thing. So where do I go? Yep! That's right! I took a road trip to Vegas to fix myself...and make sure I was doing the right thing That is why you are reading this today and why I am not currently residing in Gallifrey...

"Welcome to Elko"

It’s funny when I listen to my inner being and do the right thing, everything falls into place. Concurrently, when I don't listen, my life falls apart. 

So I think I have a new secret identity, but I’m not going to tell you what it is yet (‘cause I don't want to jinx it). I’ll give you a hint though...You’re probably going to see a lot more aviation related stuff on this blog..and that makes me a happy man!

So on to the next chapter of my life…

Also, below are some drawings from my latest events...

I hope you enjoyed the drawings and if you’re interested in booking me for your future event, you can contact me via email at or visit my Gigmasters page at

Talk to you soon!


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Vlog!

Hello All...

I apologize for the delay between blogs. Sometimes life get in the way of creativity, to succeed, one needs to find a way of combining both and I’m not an expert at that. Anyways…

First off, a “Hello” to my brother and his wife, who are currently visiting China. My brother is one of my biggest supporters and one of my biggest “pains in the derriere”, when I don’t draw...or write in my blog.  Cheers Brother!...I hope you and Fang are having a great time... and have a Chinese Beer on me!

"My brother Roger and his wife Fang"

I’ve been in kind of a subtle, depressionary state lately, over my pen and ink caricatures. Although I love creating them, when they don’t sell as quickly as I think they should, I start questioning my pricing, my marketing decisions and everything else! When that happens, I become prone to rash decisions, about everything! Oh well, at least they are decisions, right?

When I was a young, several of my idols were artists (Al Hirschfeld, Chuck Jones, Bob McCausland, Charles Schutz, Paul McCartney Johnny Cash…) and my love for their work, led me to become an artist. I read (and purchased) books and periodicals related to these artists (which included the comics, of course). I visited museums, art shows, purchased art, music and even tried to learn how to play some instruments (unsuccessfully). I immersed myself in all of this, because I valued these artists work and I wanted emulate them.

These days however, I believe that artists and their creations have lost some value in our society. Why? Partially because, society can enjoy an artists creation for free, via the internet. Why pay the artists (who created the art) for the actual work of art or an album, when one can see it for free? As such, the artist and their creations are of less value to a society.

Creators (including both artists and musicians) have to find ways to make a living in a society that doesn’t value the arts as much as much as it once did. We can collectively bitch, moan and complain about how  technology is making it difficult for us to make a living or we can begrudgingly embrace technology, try to use it to our advantage and grab some of the attention (and dollars) of those, signing their paychecks over to Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and Intel...

I have chosen to embrace technology (nose fully plugged), because let’s face it, technology isn’t going away anytime soon. Although I already market myself on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook , I have now decided to take another step into the abyss... Welcome to my YouTube Channel, The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Vlog! 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Goodbye Petey

Petey Hopkins
2008 - March 10th, 2019

We'll miss you buddy...

My Alternate Reality

Hello all…

Just got back from my alternate reality (Las Vegas), to see my favorite band, Muse, get the kid his first tattoo..oh, and eat too much...and I mean, WAY too much!! This trip was probably the best one ever. The drive seemed shorter than usual...which makes no sense, ‘cause it’s the same 440 miles, however, it seemed quicker this trip...maybe I’m just getting use to it??  I don’t know...Yes, the best visit to Vegas, ever!

Muse was spectacular! I had never seen them live (except on YouTube) but, I love all of their music. This was their, Simulation Theory Tour and again, they were spectacular. My favorite Muse albums are, Absolution, Black Holes and Revelations, Origin of Symmetry and this new one, Simulation Theory. However being the Muse fan that I have become, I really don't think they’ve made a bad album...and I can't say that for any other musician or band. If you get the chance, you should definitely go see them. Did I mention they were spectacular??

It’s funny how my musical tastes have evolved. A few years ago, I was one of those classic rock fans, living in the past and refusing to consider the new. I refused to expand my musical horizons. I wore the classic rock blinders and refused to even consider new music. My mantra, was one I hear often from those of my age…”Rock music is dead” ..Well my friends, rock and roll is not dead, it’s very alive. For those of you (of my aged) still living in the past, consider these bands/musicians, Muse, The Killers, Ghost, Nita Strauss, Radiohead (yes, I know they’ve been around for a while, but their most recent album, “A Moon Shaped Pool” is amazing!) and although they’re no longer together, My Chemical Romance proved that new rock was still kicking ass,  when Mick turned 60. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing (much) wrong with those beloved classic rock acts, but they're not going to be around forever. Expand your horizons and embrace the new, you might be pleasantly surprised.

I don't know what it is about Las Vegas, but what I do know is, that it’s my escape. I use to think I wanted to move there, but I’m not sure any longer (stay tuned, as I’ll probably change my mind again, in a future blog). When I want to escape reality and clear my head, I go to Las Vegas. Imagine if I moved would I escape reality? Las vegas would be my reality and then I would have to exist in escape?? Or would I cease to exist in a escape?? Maybe I could find a wormhole to escape my existence in my escape...

Anyways... I’m back on the road to Lake Tahoe Monday night. I’m drawing caricatures at a wedding reception. I’m really looking forward to getting the drawing juices flowing again. It’s been a few months since my last event (due to my self-imposed, I hate winter driving drawing ban) and I miss the challenge of drawing live caricatures. I especially miss the interaction with the  subjects I’m drawing, so I’m really looking forward to Monday night...I’ll try to post pics from the event, Tuesday or Wednesday. Until then my friends…

Talk to you soon...

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Boeing YC-14 Airplane Caricature

One of my favorite aircraft, the Boeing YC-14, was a twin-engine, short take-off and landing (STOL) military transport aircraft. It was Boeing's entrant into the United States Air Force's Advanced Medium STOL Transport (AMST) competition (the other competitor was the McDonnell Douglas YC-15). This competition was meant to find a replacement for the Lockheed C-130 Hercules. The YC-14 (nor the YC-15) never entered production as the (AMST) project was cancelled in 1979.

I created this Aviation Caricature on February 2nd, 2019. It was created on Canson 10” x 16” Illustration board, with pen & Ink (and a slight wash).

Below are the various stages of the drawing.

Stage 1 - The inspiration ( the actual Boeing YC -14)

Stage 2 - The pencil drawing.

Stage 3 - After the inkin’...

Stage 4 - The final drawing (after a slight wash.)

Stage 5 - (Only on the Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog) A cool color picture!

As with all my drawings, after I completed the drawing, I started picking the drawing apart (I am definitely my own worst critic). I found several things in the completed drawing that I wasn’t thrilled with (i.e., I didn’t like my lettering on the airplane and I wasn’t happy with the landscape I had drawn under the airplane). That being said, overall I’m actually pretty, pretty satisfied with the way the drawing turned out. I’m really happy with the actual caricature of the airplane itself and I’m thrilled with the way the wash turned out. If I was grading myself, I would give myself a score of 7 out of 10. So...there’s room for improvement, but I liked the finished drawing.

My next project, is to finish a drawing I started over a year ago. This is a caricature of Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute, from the television show, The Office. Also, I’ve also started another airplane caricature. This one is of the first Boeing 747. I’m drawing this caricature in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first flight of the 747 on February 9th, 1969. I should have one or both of those completed by weekend. If so, I'll post them on this Blog.

So until then...see you in the funny pages!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Back on Track

After my previous rant about not being paid for my art and deciding to put a little more effort into my Patreon account, I decided the next thing that I needed was a little motivation to draw. The question now was, how was I going to motivate myself to start drawing and get back on the creative track?..The reason that I needed to get back on track was due to the fact that, since I broke my arm last July, my art output has been almost non existent. As such, I needed something to get the creative juices flowing. So I decided to purchase a drawing journal and make myself draw SOMETHING every day.. For the first few days after purchasing the new journal, the results were pathetic. However, I then received some motivation from an unexpected son. You see, when I bought my journal I also bought my son a drawing journal as well...AND HE WAS DRAWING IN HIS EVERY DAY?!?!?!? (*Note - the kid has some raw drawing talent!) Well, not to be outdone by a kid, I started drawing as well...

So that’s my story about how I got back on the creative track. Those pages will be posted on my Patreon account. If you’d like access to those drawing, just patronize my Patreon account. For as little as $1.00 a month, you'll get access to those drawings and exclusive Patreon stuff!

Also,, I have started a new episode on my Webcomic, Missed Approach (and this one’s in color!), If you’re interested, ckick on the link below and check it out!

That’s all for today kids, I’ll write more soon!