Saturday, September 10, 2022

Happiness is Attainable

Good morning. Blog number 3 of 365. I started this goal (365 Blogs in a row) on my 61st birthday and I WILL complete this goal. Hopefully, by the end of the goal, I will have figured shit out and I will be at a better place when it comes to my state of mind. Happiness is attainable.

I love drawing and creating art. When I'm in the process of creating art I’m in a better place mentally and physically. I know that may sound strange to many of you but it’s the complete truth. I’m a better person when I’m creating. Opposite of that theory, when I'm not creating I'm miserable. Even if I’m doing something that I enjoy, I only receive temporary satisfaction, for a short period of time. However, it’s just a fix, like a good cup of coffee (something else that can't live without) 

Take for example my current occupation as a mild mannered reporter for the Daily Planet (occupation and names have been changed to protect the innocent..i.e., me). I wouldn’t be here if I didn't need a second occupation to pay the bills. In fact, I wouldn’t  have a second occupation, if my art paid the bills. However, since do I need to pay the bills, one would think that this occupation would be perfect for me. I should love this job. This job should be the least “miserability creating occupation”. I'm surrounded by aviation. I love aviation. However, most of the time, I’m miserable at the Daily Planet and I unconsciously find things that make me more miserable and then I dwell on them. Trust me, I don't have to look far to find miserable creating elements at The Daily Planet. There are plenty of things there to make one miserable, including, incompetency, heat (in the summer) and the cold (in the winter), inadhereance to policies and working with psychopaths (you know who you are). However, even if everything was sunshine and lollipops at the Daily Planet, I would still find a way to be miserable. The complete end of my miserableness will only come when I’m completely self-sufficient as an artist. Until then, I’ll keep creating, and overload on caffeine to get through my day..

Which bring me back to the purpose of this Blog; i.e., to figure shit out and of course. bring the universe’s attention to my scribbles..

P.S. Universe, the links are below…

Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Friendly Sky's?

I loath air travel. It's not just the airport or airline employees. It's not just the overpriced airport food. It's not just airport security procedures. It's not just the person sitting next to me in sandals (without socks) with the obvious toe fungus problem (and their uncontrollable elbows constantly taking more than their fair share of the 1.5 inch seat arms that the airlines and aircraft manufacturers provide for our comfort). It's not just the constant delays. It's all of the above and more. 

If it wasn't for the fact that there's a possibility that I'll save time as opposed to driving (and that's not a guarantee, given the constant and continuous delays) I would drive everywhere I needed to go. 

Let's look at an example. 

To drive from Reno to Las Vegas (or vice-versa) is approximately 7 hours (in comfort, no security, nobody in my car, whose company that I don't enjoy). So far on this trip home I've already spent 2.5 hours and my flight was delayed (surprise, surprise!) so I still have 1.5 hours until Southwest Airlines best (Ha!) guesstimate of a departure time. That's already 4 hours! The approximate flight time from Las Vegas to Reno is approximately 1.5 hours. So the best case scenario is that this trip will take 5.5 hours. So for an additional 1.5 hours, I could have taken my car!

To further elaborate my point. Given the fact that if I was driving,  I would have left the hotel before dawn means, I WOULD HAVE BEEN HOME BY NOW!!

P.S. I made it home at approximately 6:30pm. That was almost exactly 7 hours after my Uber driver picked me up at the Luxor Hotel Casino (to take me to the airport) or approximately the same amount of time that it would have taken me to drive home.

Point made. 

You Say It's Your Birthday!

Happy Birthday, me. 

Wake up 3:30am (ugh, it's too early). Back to sleep

Wake up 5:32 am, this will work.

Good Tuesday everyone! It's my birthday today and I'm Waking up in Las Vegas.

What?? You were expecting, Katy Perry??

It's the fourth day of a marketing trip for my caricatures. Two contacts made, several business cards passed out. But today’s not about business, it's about me. Which I guess about business because my business is me, so we'll say it's about me, which is about my art, which is what I’m about (anyways).

I thought I would blog my day here in "Sin City" and share my thoughts about my day and at the beginning of my 61st year on this planet. 

Today started out with a spectacular rendition of, Happy Birthday to You, by my younger brother Roger. Thank you Roger. For those you you what don't know my “slightly younger” brother, here's a caricature of the of the character (his family included).

I went downstairs at 6:30am for breakfast. Unfortunately for my wallet, the Pyramid Café does not open until 7:00am, so I threw some money in the slot machines. After a disappointing start to slot play, I finished even. Breakfast was amazing!

After breakfast, I went upstairs, took a shower and then hit the pavement, the HOT pavement. The high yesterday was around 114 degrees (I don't believe that's a healthy environment for humans to exist in?) Thank goodness today is only going to be a cool 107 degrees.

For those of you who are concerned, Las Vegas is still here. I only took a few pictures, ‘cause I'm sure everyone's seen them before and the strip hasn't changed much..

After a bit of shopping from the local street merchants including, The Hershey's Store, The Coke Store, The M&M Store (there seems to be a theme emerging here??) and having a discussion with a local Busker concerning his CD, his brother's health condition, my white privilege and why I should give him my money (I wonder if this person understands there's a reason why people pass him by and pretend that he doesn’t exist?),  I decided to eat more. Today's lunch was provided by Amazing Canes and it was Amazing, Cane!

Random thoughts…

  • I didn’t know Las Vegas Showgirls are now accepting plus-size models

  • The smell of urine in some areas of Las Vegas is only surpassed by the smell of Cannabis

  • Jesus Christ has a plethora of representation in Las Vegas

As a birthday present for myself I decided to visit The Titanic Exhibit at the Luxor Hotel Casino. If you're the least bit interested in the story of the RMS Titanic or history in general, you need to visit this exhibit. From the moment you walk into the exhibit (once you get past the obligatory photo pitch person)  you are transported back to that night in April of 1912 and immersed and surrounded by the real individuals whose lives were altered forever on that evening. An astonishing and sobering experience, amidst mendaciousness, that is Las Vegas

Monday, August 15, 2022

Empty Nest Syndrome

My son's officially a sailor! It's been a tough couple of months adjusting to life without him (given the fact that he's always been here), however I do believe that I have now adjusted or at the very least, adjusted to the point of less adjustment needed. Does that make sense? If not, join the club. Sometimes you can't make sense of life. Life makes sense for 21 years and then it doesn't. Even if you know life is going to change soon and you prepare for it, sometimes you're not prepared. Enter, the, Empty Nest Syndrome.

The empty nest syndrome refers to the grief that many parents feel when their children move out of home. This condition is typically more common in women, who are more likely to have had the role of primary carer. 

From The Better Health Channel 

Although it states that it is typically more common in women, trust me guys it can easily happen to anyone, who has the role of "primary carer''. Which is less defined as a female role these days. I was the primary carer for my youngest son and the empty nest syndrome hit me like a ton of bricks. It's very real and the grief can be overwhelming. Luckily I got through it with the support of my friends and almost daily letters to my son (letter therapy?). 

Although our normal form of communication (talking with each other) was silenced (due to Navy bootcamp rules) the centuries old standard form of communication (letter writing) took its place and those letters saved me (with the help of my friends) from grief bordering on depression. If you're going through empty nest syndrome or know someone who may be going through it, take it seriously and be there for them. If it wasn't for my friends who were there with me when I needed someone to talk to, things would have been a lot tougher. Alas, I made it through this period of my life. I was there for my son's Navy bootcamp graduation and we're using modern technology to communicate again. Life is good once more.

So now it's time to get back to the cartoons and less serious subjects (at least until something serious needs to be addressed again). I apologize for the necessary break in the blogging and I'm looking forward to making up for what has been missed!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store, Hide and Seek Promotion!

June is here, let's have some fun! 

Introducing, The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store, Hide and Seek Promotion! Each day in June, I will reduce the price of one of my Original drawings by 90% (for only 24 hours!). After 24 hours, if the drawing is not sold, the drawing will be re-listed at its original price and then on the next day, a new drawing will be listed at 90% off. If the drawing is sold, the sale is over for that day.

You heard correctly! if the original price was $5000.00, the sale price for 24 hours will be $500.00! If the drawing's original price was $225.00, you will be able to purchase it for $22.50!

*Normal shipping costs still apply*

What’s the catch? The catch is, I’m only going to give you one clue, as to which drawing is on sale. Decipher the clue to find out which drawing is on sale at The Michael Hopkins Caricature Online Store! 

Each day's clue will be listed on the following pages

June 1st 2022 - Today's Clue. My nickname is Dakota.

By the way, today’s original drawing is already on sale!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

That big eight-wheeler, rollin' down the track Means your true-lovin' daddy ain't comin' back...

Most people know the following quote, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Although this may not be the technical definition of the word, insanity, it definitely makes sense. 

Contrary to my last post, I discovered this past week that I can't do everything. It's overwhelming. Especially when life throws you a curveball (which it did this week). That being said, the following common saying, "A Jack of all trades, is a master of none", really makes more sense to me at this moment in my life. Although I tried to get back on the webcomic wagon, I fell off. As I was sitting on the ground, dusting myself off and watching the webcomic wagon drive away from me (for the umpteenth time), I thought to myself, “why do I keep doing this?” 

I keep re-trying to re-start my webcomics over and over again, expecting different results.” I can’t do it (at least on a regular basis), there’s too much other stuff on the proverbial drawing board that needs my attention.  Besides, I’m not sure if anyone “gets” my webcomic’s humor. Not that my humor is not funny (at least I think it’s funny). I believe that my humor is too complicated for today's instant gratification world and I also believe that in this world, the average person's attention span is short and wants a quick, easy to understand gag that'll make them laugh immediately. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not what my webcomics are all about. I think to understand my webcomics, one needs to understand the history of the characters to understand the humor contained in my webcomic. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but that's the way I see it. 

That being said, time waits for no one, so I think it's time to permanently move on from the insanity of creating webcomics and focus on the art of the caricature. 

I’ve heard that it's not about destination, it's about the journey to the destination and I'd have to agree. However, my webcomics have reached their destination and it was an interesting journey.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

If a Webcomic is not on paper, does it mean the it doesn't exist?

 Mission accomplished. 

Yesterday, I restarted both of my webcomics, Missed Approach and Cosmic Fowl. Since I'm my own worst critic, I'm always apprehensive when I create new art, including my webcomics. I know there'll be the eventual argument between me and myself, as to whether I could have created a better drawing. Of course, I will win the argument (but I’ll also lose the argument). However, yesterday was different. I was less apprehensive (maybe I'm starting to learn how to deal with myself??). Maybe it's because my ideas for the new webcomics were better thought out (as they should be Michael, considering you’ve been thinking about a new Missed Approach for several years!) (Quiet you! I'm trying to write a blog!).

                                Cosmic Fowl by Michael Hopkins

Although I've had several recurring thoughts about giving up my webcomics, I've discovered that is impossible to do. The characters in my webcomics are living beings to me. Although that statement makes me sound like I should consider psychological counseling, it's the way I feel. Due to this fact, it's difficult for me to quit creating my webcomics. I mean, how would you feel if you were one of my webcomic characters, you’ve been stuck in the same panel for several years and nobody was creating your next adventure?? Not only would you be bored to death, you would feel sad that your creator gave up on you. Not to mention the fact that not putting them on paper, doesn't mean they are not being created. I continuously create new webcomics, however, by not putting them on paper, it only means they are just filling up the ever decreasing space in my brain (no wonder I can't remember birthdays!)

Also, I like the fact that when I'm drawing my webcomics, I can escape to that alternate reality I've created…or maybe, I can escape from this alternate reality???