Hello blogosphere! Well, 2025 is almost upon us and I thought I'd share some random thoughts about my employment status, heading into the new year.
“A supervisor is a managerial role that involves overseeing employees' work to ensure quality and productivity.”
Desiree Benover
Thank you Desiree!
Interestingly, nowhere in Desiree's definition do I see the terms, sleeping, pissy attitude, non-communication or training via osmosis. Oh well, it is what it is and it ain't what it ain't. However, I do have a suggestion for Management when it comes to future Supervisory candidates, Hire a relative of the late, Bobo the Gorilla (Seattle Institution).
At least he could engage in non verbal communication and at the very least, Bobo could roll his poop into little balls and throw it at those who are not paying attention.
I guess it's time to quit bitching and plan my exit. I know, I know, I've been talking about this as long as I've been a “Reporter” at the Daily Planet. However, the time has come to make an action plan that includes a detailed strategy and specific target dates to achieve my goal…before I go insane (some may say, that I’m already there)
As such I'm going to develop a plan in the next week and publish it on December 31st. Starting in January I will start publishing the results of this plan throughout 2025 until my exit! And then, you’ll be reading the endless stream of madness, from a full time Cartoonist.
Stay Tuned!