Saturday, April 16, 2022

Looking at Options

When I was growing up, one of the best parts of the day was looking through the daily newspaper and finding the comics page. Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, Peanuts and Cecil C. Addle (a local Seattle comic strip) were just a few of my favorites. Back then, the daily newspaper was around a quarter (or so..) and the Sunday paper was a bit more. In those days we received news, sports and entertainment news, all from the newspaper. Those were also the days when cartoonists could make a living from having their cartoons published in the newspaper. The more newspapers your comic strip was in, the more money you made (syndication!!!). Everyone was buying and reading newspapers (in some of the larger cities there were even two newspapers!). So the newspaper industry was doing well. People were buying newspapers, companies were advertising in those papers and because of that, newspapers were making money…and the comics were king! Those were the days and sadly, these are not. These days, thanks to technology, newspapers are sadly going the way of the Tyrannosaurus. As such, it's even more difficult these days to make a living with your comic strip…especially via the newspaper.

"So what's your point Michael?" 

My point is, although I love sharing my webcomics (Cosmic Fowl and Missed Approach ), via the worldwide webosphere for  likes, peace and love and happiness…unfortunately that kumbaya crap doesn't pay the bills. If I'm going to invest approximately four hours a day (28 hours a week or one day per week) on putting out quality webcomics on a regular basis, I need a return on my investment (i.e., sweat equity...although when one draws cartoons, hopefully they're not sweating).

As such, I'm looking at options to get some revenue from my webcomics. I'm going to try and avoid the subscription type services (Patreon and other sites, where readers would pay a monthly fee to access my webcomics), although that is one of my options. Instead I'm first going to try to increase my readership by increased and consistent production of my webcomics, which will hopefully attract more readers. This will be hard for me ("that's what she said!") because I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to giving my webcomics, I know my past history of lackluster output of my webcomics…any yet I'm going to try it again, cause I'm also Tenacious 

adjective: tenacious

tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely.

"a tenacious grip"

However, I'd like to give at least one of my webcomics the immortality they deserve (that may be a bit arrogant…but what the hell, I'm very proud of them). 

I'm also looking at other ideas for revenue, maybe selling merch? How about a book compilation?? YouTube?? Shark Tank?? Or hey, how about, "Missed Approach the Movie!" or “Cosmic Fowl: The Missing Years”.

So once again, back to the drawing board…

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

"I Must Have Something Better to do than Watch YouTube"

 I want to share this AMAZING drawing I created!

The drawing was created on 11"x 14" Strathmore Bristol (smooth surface) drawing paper, with Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens, an India Ink wash and watercolor (specifically Castle Arts Watercolor Pencils). Originally the drawing was going to be black and white (thus the second picture), however as I started out to only highlight the drawing...well, one thing led to another and thus, its in full color! I'm very happy with the results! This drawing has life! This drawing is fun! Most importantly,  this drawing makes me happy!

This drawing is the first of a series of Caricatures that i'm creating. I'm naming the series, "I Must Have Something Better to do than Watch YouTube". The genesis of this series is laziness. Basically, I've been slacking in the drawing department. While slacking, I occasionally zone out on YouTube. So I figured I'd put that "zoning out" to good use and start drawing caricatures of characters I'm watching on YouTube.

First up is @jordanvainikka. Her YouTube channel is, Flight Attendant JoJo. Besides being easy on the eyes, Jordan can be pretty entertaining (in a Mary Tyler Moore sorta way). Everyone should definitely give her channel a look, especially if you find yourself watching YouTube with nothing better to do (but trust me, there's always something better to do). Anyways…Judging from Flight Attendant JoJo's response (or lack thereof) I'm assuming she didn't like the drawing (yes, I tagged her Instagram account), but that's OK, because I love the drawing and hope you enjoy it as well.

Speaking of YouTube, is it amazing how it's made "celebrities " out of ordinary people. YouTube channels (if executed correctly) have to be the best marketing value for the dollar. Where else could an unknown person become known nationwide (even worldwide) with just a phone and internet access?? This is why I'm considering marketing my art through YouTube. Instagram is limited, unless you want to purchase followers (one way or another). I've bought ads on Facebook with limited success and a limited budget. However, even though I have a YouTube channel, I haven’t taken it seriously and think that has been a mistake. Note to self, Let’s correct that mistake.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Correcting Confucius

 “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” 


Actually, I believe that Confucius wasn’t exactly correct (Yes, I’m correcting Confucius).  I don't think one chooses the job, as much as the job chooses you. 

Anyways…If what Confucius said is (partially) true, I'll never work another day in my life after August 1st, 2022. That's right my friends, it's the time for...

136 days...

If you look back at my last blog, I mentioned that I’m easily distracted. Well I just proved it. It's been over two months since I've written a blog (Yikes!!!). Well, the time is now  to do away with the distractions and move forward. Actually, there’s no choice now. My life is changing on August 1st, 2022. So the time is now (whether I like it or not) to get the proverbial head out of the proverbial ass and fix this situation.

Excuses like, I’m tired. Distractions, excuses, deduces, adduces, misuses (and whatever else rhymes). Whether it’s, work related (my secret identity as a mild mannered fueler), being tired (caused by being a Fueler that starts work at 3am) or food (purchased by a guy who is a fueler, that starts work at 3am and does not have the time (i.e., energy) to prepare and partake nutritious food to bring to work at 3am. It’s a rut that I need to get out of, in order to get on that train, August 1st. The train is leaving and I will be on it..

Another part of my problem (i.e., being artistically inactive) is that although my brain is drawing pictures (there’s so many ideas floating around, it's giving me a headache) the body doesn't want to cooperate. So I will need to fix this issue as well. Thanks to my youngest son (who’s very persistent at reminding me what I need to accomplish) I took the first step towards health redemption last Sunday. I dragged my butt off the cozy burgundy sofa chair and followed him up the hill. Yes, I went hiking. Here’s some photos to prove it, in case you had your doubts (as did I).

So the first steps have been taken, I wrote another blog, I’ll be drawing tomorrow
and it's back up to those hills this Sunday. 

Before I end this blog, you probably want to know what’s happening August 1st? Stay tuned and you might just find out.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

It Continues

I think my biggest flaw is that I’m easily distracted (usually by a beautiful woman). However, I don't think that is going to change, so I need to work my distractions into the daily rotation of my life. That may sound callous (especially when it comes to including a relationship into one’s daily rotation), however I think it's necessary in order to achieve one's objective. As such, I have decided to set daily goals in my life to achieve my objective of being a self-sustaining independent artist, by the date I have chosen to jump out of this airplane without the full time job parachute. I’ll either fly or I’ll crash and burn.. 

I have also always believed that you need a strong body and strong mind to achieve one's objectives and thanks to my son’s relentless encouragement , I have taken my first “baby steps” to a goal of a healthier me.

Of course, believing in a theory  and actually practicing that theory is wherein lies the conundrum. So I have decided to get some help on the topic and some research. I've turned to the books of the author, H.E. Davey (yes, reading will also be a daily objective). His writings seem to coincide with my thoughts, so I've ordered a book of his and will share my thoughts of that book in a future blog.

The innate harmony that exists between mind and body is one of the secrets behind the amazing power of Shin-shin-toitsu-do, which is weakened by an inefficient use of the body. Our bodies must be strong, relaxed, and healthy to respond to our minds' commands. - Author: H.E. Davey 

Thanks to Google, creating a daily planner with daily goals and daily reminders is impossibly easy and hard to ignore. However, actually completing those daily goals is wherein lies the challenge, This is a  challenge I have accepted because the consequences of not achieving those daily goals and my objectives is, if not unhappiness, its continued comfortable numbness, which is my current state of mind and part of my motivation to take on this challenge.

There's just one more thing…

Besides my original drawings, I am now offering three different sizes of Giclee prints of my original drawings at The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store. 
Following are the sizes and prices of my prints.

11”x 14” - $200.00
8.5” x 11” - $125.00
5”x7” - $50.00

If you’re interested, please visit The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store.

Thanks for subscribing Karen, wherever you are...


Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure

Happy New Year!

We're going to start off the year at the Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog by focusing on a planned caricature/aviation adventure. This plan is really a natural occurrence given the aviation related journey, which is my life.

I love aviation and have loved aviation as far back as I can remember. Aviation is ingrained in my soul. Aviation raised me and fed our family. My earliest and fondest aviation memories include, my father and mother, grandfather and uncles working for The Boeing Company. My first active participation in aviation involved my brother and I taking a ride (sometime in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s) with my father in a Cessna 172, out of Renton Municipal Airport. 

It was a short scenic flight, but nonetheless it was an amazing flight. That flight's intro into the world of aviation continues thru today, with my current side gig as a pretty damn good, Aviation Fueler. Of course, there was much aviation indulgence (including as part of my art repertoire) in between that first flight and my current status as a Fueler. Included in this indulgence,  a brief flirtation with becoming an Air Traffic Controller (Yikes!), several air shows and museum visits  (the highlight of which was sitting with my oldest daughter on the cockpit of Howard Hughes Spruce Goose)
and one of my proudest moments being when some my art was featured the the opening of the Royal Dutch Air Force Aviation Museum opening of part of an exhibit for Martin Leeuwis' book, Good Landing

Of course I’ve seen the classics in person (besides, McCartney, Elton and Alice Cooper), two Presidential Air Force One’s, The Avro Vulcan, the previous mentioned Hughes H-4 Hercules (i.e., Spruce Goose) The Concorde SST, the first, 747, 727, and 707 (a.k.a. the Boeing 367-80) the YC-14 and so many others…However, I do have a “Bucket List”. Included in that list is to visit Elvis Presley's, private Convair 880 (the Lisa Marie) at Graceland. Also, I want to visit the National Museum of the USAF, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and visit where it all began in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Which brings me back to the plan for 2022 (drumroll please!) Introducing, The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure! The roadshow plan is to participate in as many Air Shows as possible and introduce my aviation art to the masses and promote Michael Hopkins Caricatures.

This idea began out of frustration and inability to bring greater attention to my art (than social media has provided). Although the attention I do receive from social is positive and appreciated, it's limited. My life long goal has always been, obtaining financial independence though my art. Wealth is not what I'm looking independence, happiness and the ability to create art without the constraints of having hold down a full time side gig as well, to pay the rent. As such, I need to find a way to reach a broader audience. Relatively speaking, for the most part I'm an unknown artist. This obscurity, makes the prior goal of financial independence, difficult to say the least. I need to find a way sharing my art with a broader audience. This need, combined with a love of aviation was the inception of The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure and now I need to change this plan into reality I hope to participate in as many Air Shows as possible to introduce my aviation art and promote Michael Hopkins Caricatures (and possibly draw some caricatures while traveling across the country). 

I still haven't figured out the logistics of this plan, however figuring out these logistics will be the focus of The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog for the foreseeable future. Once the logistics have been figured out, the focus of my blog will turn to The
Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure (do you like the name??)! 

Besides this Blog, the plan is to utilize videos and photography to record my adventure (including highlights from every airshow I visit). 

Of course, like pretty much anything aviation related, this adventure will take some funds to get off the ground. As such, I'll be looking for funding and some sponsorships to get this roadshow on the road.

So the first step is finding some sponsorships in exchange for advertising (i.e., signage at my booth, on my vehicle (another need for this adventure) or even companies logos' on the caricature drawing paper (my ideas are endless and my openness to an advertisers suggestions, in exchange for sponsorship is unlimited).

Also if I can come up with some cool gifts for those who donate, I'm considering considering using my "Buy me a coffee" account as a platform for donations from those of you who who wish to participate in getting this roadshow on the road.

First things first, wake up tomorrow and get the roadshow on the road….



Friday, November 5, 2021

Pink Heart-Shaped Sunglasses

As most of you know, my "side-gig" is fueling aircraft at an airport (although looking at the lack of revenue from drawing lately, some would say that drawing is my side gig...anyways, that's another blog). The reason I bring this up is that I was informed of a tragedy that happened over the last few days. An employee from another company at the airport (that I interacted with occasionally) took her own life. 

Although I couldn't describe her as a friend, her presence was definitely a regular part of my day.

I can remember the first day I saw her, which is interesting because sometimes it's difficult remembering what happened yesterday. Anyways, she had a unique and special sense about her. A carefree, almost flower child type appearance, she would not be out of place in the 1960's. The first time I saw her, she was wearing pink heart shaped sunglasses. That made me smile. The last time I saw her was last week, nothing special, just work conversation. That would be the last time I spoke to her.

Hindsight being 20/20 (and hindered by the introvert that I am) I wish I had spoken to her more. Maybe became her friend? Maybe I could have given her hope...but we were just strangers, doing our jobs, trying to get though the day.

I hope she finds the peace that she couldn't find in this life.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

100 Blogs

100 blogs, 60 years...not a good, Blogs Per Year Batting Average (.167), unless of course, you consider the fact that I've only been writing this blog since this brings the blog's average up a bit.

My goal was to write 100 blogs and I have now accomplished that. The initial intention behind my blog was to increase awareness of my drawings (which I believe I've succeeded). However, after reaching 100 blogs, I've realized it's become more than a marketing tool for my art, it has become a platform for my thoughts, my experiences, my feelings (which I'll never admit to having any of those inconvenient things), my "incoherent ramblings"...and maybe a bit of therapy?? Anyways, I'm very happy with what has transpired through my blog. 

Having said that...if there's one thing that I'd change, it's the fact that I'd like to be more transparent. Unfortunately people are very sensitive these days and when criticized in an objective manner (as I occasionally try to do), that is contrary to their own, over-inflated, unsubstantiated, personal opinion of themselves. These certain unnamed persons, might be offended by this blogger's opinion and might make work at the Daily Planet a bit more unbearable, under the current regime. As such, until that point in time at which I walk out the door at The Daily Planet and say goodbye to our Caucasian Little Richard receptionist, for the last time...

Our Receptionist

...I will have to continue to be careful with my words or risk offending these sensitive and delicate dandies.

The Daily Planets New Operations Team

Things are constant flux at the daily Planet and have been ever since the previous Operations Manager of Safety Practices (I'll bet you never thought we would need one of those at a newspaper!), high tailed it for parts unknown (rumor has it that he's opened his own showroom in Branson, Missouri). A constant flux indeed and that's not a good kind of constant flux. It would more appropriately called a constant flux of unraveling. With the peak newspaper season just around the corner, we're down to one printing press (out of three) and the one that is in operating order (that's a very loose interpretation of "operating order"), is questionable. Lets hope that Willie has a few magical tricks up his sleeve. In fact, if Hans Christian Andersen were alive today (and working at The Daily Planet) he's be inspired to write the sequel to, The Emperor's New Clothes. 

Anyways, maybe I'll get lucky soon and not have to worry about the future of The Daily Planet (Blogger gets off soapbox) 

Now that I'm off my soapbox, let's the back to the real world...DRAWING!!!
Michael Hopkins Caricatures is now in the apparel business (sort of...). Some of my caricatures are now available on clothing through Teespring!

Visit my store via the following link...

If you have suggestions on which of my caricatures you'd like to see on some apparel, let me know!

So there ya go, 100 Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blogs! Will there be a number 101 blog? Definitely, but probably not in its current manifestation, as I think it's time to shake things up a bit…

Stay tuned