Saturday, October 17, 2020


 Good morning world. It's 4am. One fueled and several to go. Sometimes is a pain in the ass to start work at 3am, however it does have it's advantages...most noticeable, getting off at 11:30am. Disadvantages? Starting work at 3am! Ha! Sometimes I think I'm too old for this sh*t, but I do love this job. Sometimes I think my mind tries to talk me into not liking it, but the heart wins over the convoluted brain and I press on...besides, what am I going to do? Draw??? Oh, yea…

What you see above, is an opening paragraph of a blog, uncompleted. It’s from a few days ago at work (as it states it was about 4am). Anyways, I liked it so I didn’t delete it and here it is. I actually took a picture to go along with the incomplete blog (see below).

The blog, the webcomics and even the caricatures are suffering because of the hours I work. Once you get home after waking up at 2:00am, one doesn't feel like doing much else, let along creating. But create, I must.. because I probably can't fuel airplanes forever (no matter how much I like it). I hit these roadblocks to being a successful artist every so often. This is the reason you haven't seen a new blog, caricature, webcomic or caricature in a while. So it’s time to quit whining and start producing art again. 

Here it goes...

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