Welcome to Michaels Hopkins Cartoons Blog…a place for Michael's thoughts, observations, remembrances and general incoherent ramblings concerning the creative process behind his drawings and life in general...
Friday, January 6, 2023
Same Plan, New Year
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
It's 2023, time to refocus. Currently there are no future Event Caricature gigs on the books (although I'm sure there will be soon), so it's a good time to refocus on the Michael Hopkins Pen & Ink Original Caricatures and Prints. The main goal of this refocus is to find a way to increase the awareness of my art to people who have never seen it and to increase sales.
Desire is having a personally meaningful goal. "If selling success hasn't already come your way, your strong desire assures that it soon will. Strong desire, the most important element in sales, will provide the incentive to make the changes even when it is difficult or uncomfortable."
Commitment is having a plan to achieve that goal. "Commitment is a measure of whether you will do whatever it takes to achieve success in sales.
I get that and I have to be honest and say that maybe my own desire and commitment has been lacking as of late. This is probably due to my comfortability. As I've stated before, my side gig at The Daily Planet is not difficult and requires little effort (except for the ability to turn off your cerebral matter, as to avoid the spontaneous combustion of the logical side of your brain). So again, I need to become less comfortable to become more comfortable. The desire and commitment is there, I just have to dig under the giant pile of unnecessary distractions my life has become
I also reviewed my pricing strategy last year. This was due to the fact that I had received several "unsolicited opinions" concerning my pricing (i.e., OMG!!! Your prices are so high!!). So last year I tested the market with several different pricing strategies (including, discounts and promotions) to test the theories of those, set aghast by my prices. My logic? If I offered discounts/promotions of 25% to 50% and in turn if these discounts boosted sales, at that point I would have to agree with the Dementors and lower my prices. Begrudgingly, discounts were applied and sales did not increase (neaner, neaner, neaner!)
How do I set my prices? My prices are based on what I feel is the true value of my art. This value is based on the quality of the drawing and the soul that I put into each piece of art (i.e., a part of me is in every drawing that I have ever created and that part of my soul, that it took to create that drawing, is included in the drawing).
Of course, in the future, the price will also be based on, Supply and Demand (the amount of a commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it). By increasing awareness, I should increase demand (which will in turn, increase the value of my art). So the prices I currently have set for my art will also increase as demand increases. This is why my focus for 2023 will be increased awareness of my art to increase sales, increase value for customers and increase value for myself. Once I start selling more art, I will have more time to draw and less time for other mind numbing activities and (abracadabra!) create more art.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Google Maps and Me
Hey, Blogosphere!
It’s Sunday morning and I’m feeling pretty good. I completed another successful Michael Hopkins Caricatures Event last night, my son’s coming home to visit from the Navy and the drawing mood has inhabited my soul once more, so yep (or yup… if you're an old cowboy), life's pretty pretty, pretty, good.
Let’s take a look at the results of last night's event...
BUT FIRST (insert sound of brakes screeching!), let me tell you a story about my love/hate relationship with Google Maps. Although the event turned out great, unfortunately the drive to the event was a little stressful. I would love to blame Google (Google maps specifically) however I must confess, the fault was all mine (again). Ya see, I'm at that stage in life where I like to think I’m smarter than some app on my phone. I’ve had this encounter with my "arch nemesis app" (i.e., Google Maps) previously, the most notable time was a trip to Las Vegas with my son. Let’s set, The Wayback Machine, to the year to 2019 (I think).
As we're entering the Las Vegas area, Google Maps tells me to take an exit, that is about four exits earlier than the one I normally take. After a brief, heated conversation with said app, I decide that I know better than Google, ignore its advice and decide to proceed to my usual exit (stupid move dumbass). I soon realize that my stupid app was correct and I was wrong (go figure?!?). The exit I normally take is closed due to construction (can I get a harrumph?). After apologizing to Google Maps with a string of creatively combined expletives, Google forgives me and gets us to the hotel via the street that I originally would have been on...had I exited the freeway where Google Maps originally told me to exit (and I'm positive, Google Maps was smugly and sarcastically smiling at me as I realized this fact).
Anyways…Last night, Google Maps once again proved that old Caricaturists should shut up, listen and follow driving directions. Because if I would have, I would have made it to the event early, instead of 26 seconds prior to the beginning of the event.
I am not smarter than Google Maps
I am not smarter than Google Maps
I am not smarter than Google Maps
I am not smarter than Google Maps
To make a long story short, lets looks at some Michael Hopkins Events Caricatures from last night
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Simple Fun
I've been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to drawing. Although the Event Caricatures have been progressing well, my pen & ink drawings have been virtually non-existent. Although, I've been getting headaches from all the drawings floating around in the 'ole cerebral matter, sitting my butt down at the drawing table and having those drawings flow from the brain (down the neck, through the formerly cancer infected shoulder, down the arm, though the fingers, being one with the pen, filling the nib) and spilling onto the paper, well...it's been a hot minute (as my son would say). I think I'm making this drawing thing, too complicated.
However, inspiration has arrived via a life-long friend, and Author, Daniel W. Shegrud and his, "Fun Words to Say!". Let's take a look…
Daniel W. Shegrud, Fun Words to Say!
I love these videos! They're Simple and fun. I've been missing that in my life lately. Growing up with Dan we had a lifetime of simple fun. It was a riot! It seemed like everything we did was simple and fun (although the majority of our peer group would disagree). Fuck 'em! We didn't care. We lived our life for us and our amusement. Not that life these days are bad, it's just missing the simple fun that Dan and I enjoyed. As I was watching these videos of Dan’s, I realized that he’s still living that lifestyle and I’ve gotten off track. Life wasn't meant to be complicated. We’re here to enjoy life and obviously, Dan is still enjoying life. I need to find my way back to that life and Dan’s my inspiration.
Hold that light up for me Dan, I need to find that path back to the simple fun.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Uncomfortably Comfortable
I find myself uncomfortably comfortable these days. This is worrisome because I think it affects my creativity. I find that when I'm comfortable, my creative drive diminishes. To those of you who follow my art, you may have noticed this in my work...or lack thereof (the exception being my event caricatures). This comfortableness is a product of minor success, in both my side-gig (The Daily Planet) and my increasingly successful event caricatures. Sure, the event caricatures can be creative, but the creativity is limited due to production expectations of the person who hires me (they're paying me by the hour, so they rightfully want as many as drawings as possible) and the self esteem of the subjects I'm drawing (i.e., I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings). You may ask, "...but Michael, don't you worry about those things with any caricature you draw?" Well, yes and no. No, because I don't intentionally over-exaggerate a person's features, in a caricature, to make them feel bad. However, when I'm drawing a person across the table from me (as opposed to a "celebrity" that I am drawing in my fortress of solitude) I can see their feelings and feel their emotional reactions through every stroke of my pen, which (sorta) limits my creativity, because again, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I just want to make them smile.
Anyways…the point I was trying to make was, I need to to make things less comfortable and more creative. To achieve this goal I need to expand my creativity to a point that makes me uncomfortable. The other option is to give up one of the things that are making me comfortable. As I previously stated, the two things causing the comfortableness are the side-gig (mild mannered fueler for a great metropolitan fueling conglomerate) and the burden of being the second greatest Caricaturist to have ever walked God's earth (Thank you God and thank you, Al Hirschfeld for the inspiration). Since I am carrying the burden of being the greatest Caricaturist, obviously I'm not going to quit drawing event caricatures, that would be like asking Billie Piper to quit being so damn perfect...
(am I right, or am I right???)
The other option would to leave The Daily Planet. While that has always been the plan, is this the right time? Good question 🤔 That's a question that I'm planning to answer soon. That answer will depend on a couple of things. Number one is the size of my gonads (that's what she said) and number two is the success of the rest of my repertoire. Since I've had no complaints about the prior, I'm going to increase the latter, by taking more chances.
More to come, Stay tuned!
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Tolerate Online Dating
Is it me…or does meeting people at online dating sites seem more like job interviews than finding someone you want to spend time with? What happened to the days when one person was attracted to another person and said person asked (the person they were attracted to) if they wanted to meet for some coffee, or lunch or whatever??? Maybe it's my lack of patience for modern day online social etiquette, however I’m not going spend weeks online answering questions about why I don't post more international travel photos (because the only international place I've been is International House of Fucking Pancakes) or what the environmental consciousness movement means to the plight of the red spotted backwards walking beetle in southern Mozambique (or similar WTF! questions) before we meet for a cup of coffee and decide whether we want to see each other's face ever again?
However, since I (begrudgingly) paid the fee to this dating site, I’m going to continue my foray into this strange trip in hopes of finding someone who enjoys coffee, road trips and Alice Cooper as much as myself. Wish me luck, I’ll keep you updated…
My most recent gig was last Wednesday and Thursday. If you've read my blogs, you know I'm my own worst critic, however this last one's results (good caricatures and happy people) ranks up there with the best of my gigs. So here's a few pictures from the event that I consider pretty damn good!
Saturday, October 8, 2022
The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store
Let's talk about my online store, The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store. Introduced a couple of years ago, my store is the online home of my "Original Pen & Ink Caricatures", "Original Aviation Caricatures" and my "Pen & Ink Caricature and Aviation Limited Edition Giclée Prints". I also have a couple of “oddball” collections in my store as well, (including) "Michaels Quick Caricatures", my "Caricature Color Prints" and my latest category, "I Must Have Something Better to do than Watch YouTube Original Prints" (a category in which I draw Youtubers whose channels I frequent when I’m bored - alas, the name of the category).
I'm also considering introducing a new category, "Cosmic Fowl Original Art". This category will offer some of my original Cosmic Fowl Webcomic originals. To introduce you to what a Cosmic Fowl Webcomic is, here’s a link (https://cosmicfowl.blogspot.com) and a brief synopsis of my Webcomic…
Cosmic Fowl by Michael Hopkins
Synopsis -->>> Cosmic Fowl is the story of James Byrd and his eternal search for the meaning of happiness, in this galaxy and beyond. Many themes re-occur during James' search for happiness. A couple of the main themes include, James loathing of Space-truck Drivers, the Feline/Fowl conflict (think Arabs vs. Israeli, on a Coke vs. Pepsi level). Other than those and other reoccurring themes, James encounters are a continuous observation of modern pop culture, the society he lives in and the values that shape it.
Although I have dabbled in a few other Webcomics, I believe this one of my favorites that I have created. For those of you who may not understand it, you can always keep on reading, Hi and Lois (Chris). Anyways (as I was saying), I’m thinking of offering a few of my Cosmic Fowl originals at my online store. I don't know if there's a big market out there for an almost unknown Webcomic's original art, however if it ever does succeed, you’ll be glad you own one of the originals (am I right? right...right)
Back to The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store. In honor of the upcoming holiday, I'm offering a special promotion at the store, The Spooktacular Sale! Starting now, through October 31st 2022, receive 25% off all Michael Hopkins original art. Just use the coupon code, Spooktacular22 at checkout to receive the discount. That’s right folk’s, 25% off all original Michael Hopkins Caricatures!!! (shipping and prints are not included in the discount). The discount ends on Halloween, so you better head over to my store before the good one’s are all taken ghosts and ghouls!
‘Till next time….