Saturday, January 14, 2023

Boeing B-52 Aviation Caricature

My second Aviation Caricature of 2023! This caricature of a Boeing B-52 was created on February 14th, 2023 on 10 1/4' x 16" Canson Illustration Board with Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens, India Ink, India Ink Wash and Watercolor. It was inspired by watching B-52's taking off from Nellis AFB near Las Vegas.

The drawing is available at The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store (link below).

Friday, January 13, 2023

I Should Be Committed

Now that I've committed myself to committing (to a set amount of weekly output for my blog, caricatures and my webcomics), I need to get in shape, both mentally and physically. I'm a firm believer that one's peak mental fitness and one's peak physical fitness cannot exist without the other. Well, one can probably "exist" without the other (I have probably proven that as of late) however,  I believe that one won't reach the pinnacle of success in one's chosen endeavor without both mind and body in great shape. That being said, time to get the mind and body into shape because I have decided not to settle for less. 

In an effort to pull this success out of my ass, I've created a work schedule for my creativity and a schedule for publishing my creativity. 

Work Schedule 

Saturday/Sunday - Caricatures 

Monday - Blogging

Tuesday/Thursday - Cosmic Fowl!

Wednesday/Friday  - Missed Approach (Yikes! Am I really committing to restart Missed Approach again?!?!?)

Publishing Schedule (starting 1/15/2023)

Sunday - Caricatures 

Monday - Blog

Thursday  - Cosmic Fowl

Friday - Missed Approach 

The "Publishing Schedule" is for you (my readers) so you'll know when to expect new blogs and art from me. I realize I've had a problem with consistency (in regards to my art) so this publishing schedule will also help me to overcome this self made obstacle. Also, please realize this is a minimal output. Once the revenue from my creations (and Buy Me a Coffee) starts flowing, this publishing schedule will increase. 

I am also starting a new webcomic, to be exclusively published on my Buy Me a Coffee
page. This is an added benefit to say thank you to those who sign up for a membership to my page.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I am giving the, Michael Hopkins Aviation Caricature Roadshow another try. This plan was created a couple of years ago, but the previous attempt was squashed by the outbreak of COVID-19. The plan was such a good idea, I decided to give it another try. So the plan is set and now I need to find a way to accomplish it…easier said than done.

However, I will do whatever it takes to succeed, Including opening up additional revenue streams to fund this roadshow.

One of these you might have noticed on my blog is "Buy Me a Coffee". This is a crowdfunding platform. It provides a service for creators (like me) to collect donations from supporters (like you) who enjoy my caricatures, my blog and my webcomics. My supporters can donate to ensure my plan of world domination continues with the Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog, my Caricatures and my webcomics (Cosmic Fowl and Missed Approach). More revenue from my art equals more time to create and less time spent at the Daily Planet breathing toxic jet fuel). At Buy Me a Coffee, one can either choose to make a one time donation (starting at $5.00) or for only $20 a month, you can become a member of my, Buy Me a Coffee, page. In return for your $20 a month membership, you will receive one entry into my monthly drawing in which I will be giving away one of my limited edition prints. This months print is below...

Another revenue stream I’m considering  is offering aviation enthusiasts access to, commissioned personalized caricatures, of their own or their favorite aircraft (along with themselves or anyone they choose). I will also offer these at the various airshows I visit this summer.

I am also consider offering sponsorships for The Michael Hopkins Aviation Caricature Roadshow, In return for financially supporting for the roadshow I will offer promotional opportunities for their company during the roadshow.

Many more ideas are brewing in the old cerebrum, however that's another blog...

Bye for now

Friday, January 6, 2023

Same Plan, New Year

We're going to start off the year at the Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog by re-launching on a planned caricature/aviation adventure. This plan is really a natural occurrence given the aviation related journey, which is my life.

I love aviation and have loved aviation as far back as I can remember. Aviation is ingrained in my soul. Aviation raised me and fed our family. My earliest and fondest aviation memories include, my father and mother, grandfather and uncles working for The Boeing Company. My first active participation in aviation involved my brother and I taking a ride (sometime in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s) with my father in a Cessna 172, out of Renton Municipal Airport.

It was a short scenic flight, but nonetheless it was an amazing flight. That flight's intro into the world of aviation continues thru today, with my current side gig as a pretty damn good, Aviation Fueler. Of course, there was much aviation indulgence (including as part of my art repertoire) in between that first flight and my current status as a Fueler. Included in this indulgence, a brief flirtation with becoming an Air Traffic Controller (Yikes!), several air shows and museum visits (the highlight of which was sitting with my oldest daughter on the cockpit of Howard Hughes Spruce Goose) and one of my proudest moments being when some my art was featured the the opening of the Royal Dutch Air Force Aviation Museum opening of part of an exhibit for Martin Leeuwis book Good Landing.

Of course I’ve seen the classics in person (besides, McCartney, Elton and Alice Cooper), two Presidential Air Force One’s, The Avro Vulcan, the previous mentioned Hughes H-4 Hercules (i.e., Spruce Goose) The Concorde SST, the first, 747, 727, and 707 (a.k.a. the Boeing 367-80) the YC-14 and so many others…However, I do have a “Bucket List”. Included in that list is to visit Elvis Presley's, private Convair 880 (the Lisa Marie) at Graceland. Also, I want to visit the National Museum of the USAF, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and visit where it all began in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Which brings me back to the plan for 2023 (drumroll please!) Introducing, The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure! The roadshow plan is to participate in as many Air Shows as possible and introduce my aviation art to the masses and promote Michael Hopkins Caricatures.

This idea began out of frustration and inability to bring greater attention to my art (than social media has provided). Although the attention I do receive from social is positive and appreciated , it's limited. My life long goal has always been, obtaining financial independence though my art. Wealth is not what I'm looking independence, happiness and the ability to create art without the constraints of having hold down a full time side gig as well, to pay the rent. As such, I need to find a way to reach a broader audience. Relatively speaking, the most part I'm an unknown artist which makes the prior goal of financial independence, difficult to say the least. I need to find a way sharing my art with a broader audience. This need, combined with a love of aviation was the inception of The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure and now I need to change this plan into reality I hope to participate in as many Air Shows as possible to introduce my aviation art and promote Michael Hopkins Caricatures (and possibly draw some caricatures while traveling across the country).

I still haven't figured out the logistics of this plan, however figuring out these logistics will be the focus of The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog for the foreseeable future. Once the logistics have been figured out, the focus of my blog will turn to The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure (do you like the name??)!

Besides this Blog, the plan is to utilize videos and photography to record my adventure (including highlights from every airshow I visit).

Of course, like pretty much anything aviation related, this adventure will take some funds to get off the ground. As such, I'll be looking for funding and some sponsorships to get this roadshow on the road.

So the first step is finding some sponsorships in exchange for advertising (i.e., signage at my booth, on my vehicle (another need for this adventure) or even companies logos' on the caricature drawing paper (my ideas are endless and my openness to an advertisers suggestions, in exchange for sponsorship is unlimited).

Also if I can come up with some cool gifts for those who donate, I'm considering considering using my "Buy me a coffee" account as a platform for donations from those of you who who wish to participate in getting this roadshow on the road.

First things first, wake up tomorrow and get the roadshow on the road….


Tuesday, January 3, 2023


It's 2023, time to refocus. Currently there are no future Event Caricature gigs on the books (although I'm sure there will be soon), so it's a good time to refocus on the Michael Hopkins Pen & Ink Original Caricatures and Prints. The main goal of this refocus is to find a way to increase the awareness of my art to people who have never seen it and to increase sales.

According to the two most important factors to increase sales are desire and commitment.

Desire is having a personally meaningful goal. "If  selling  success  hasn't  already  come  your  way,  your  strong  desire  assures  that  it  soon will.    Strong  desire,  the  most  important  element  in  sales,  will  provide  the  incentive to make the changes even when it is difficult or uncomfortable."

Commitment is having a plan to achieve that goal. "Commitment is a measure of whether you will do whatever it takes to achieve success in sales.


I get that and I have to be honest and say that maybe my own desire and commitment has been lacking as of late. This is probably due to my comfortability. As I've stated before, my side gig at The Daily Planet is not difficult and requires little effort (except for the ability to turn off your cerebral matter, as to avoid the spontaneous combustion of the logical side of your brain). So again, I need to become less comfortable to become more comfortable. The desire and commitment is there, I just have to dig under the giant pile of unnecessary distractions my life has become

I also reviewed my pricing strategy last year. This was due to the fact that I had received several  "unsolicited opinions" concerning my pricing (i.e., OMG!!! Your prices are so high!!). So last year I tested the market with several different pricing strategies (including, discounts and promotions) to test the theories of those, set aghast by my prices. My logic? If I offered discounts/promotions of 25% to 50% and in turn if these discounts boosted sales, at that point I would  have to agree with the Dementors and lower my prices. Begrudgingly, discounts were applied and sales did not increase (neaner, neaner, neaner!)


How do I set my prices? My prices are based on what I feel is the true value of my art. This value is based on the quality of the drawing and the soul that I put into each piece of art (i.e., a part of me is in every drawing that I have ever created and that part of my soul, that it took to create that drawing, is included in the drawing). 

Of course, in the future, the price will also be based on, Supply and Demand (the amount of a commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it). By increasing awareness, I should increase demand (which will in turn, increase the value of my art). So the prices I currently have set for my art will also increase as demand increases. This is why my focus for 2023 will be increased awareness of my art to increase sales, increase value for customers and increase value for myself. Once I start selling more art, I will have more time to draw and less time for other mind numbing activities and (abracadabra!) create more art.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Google Maps and Me

Hey, Blogosphere! 

It’s Sunday morning and I’m feeling pretty good. I completed another successful Michael Hopkins Caricatures Event last night, my son’s coming home to visit from the Navy and the drawing mood has inhabited my soul once more, so yep (or yup… if you're an old cowboy), life's pretty pretty, pretty, good. 

Let’s take a look at the results of last night's event...

BUT FIRST (insert sound of brakes screeching!), let me tell you a story about my love/hate relationship with Google Maps. Although the event turned out great, unfortunately the drive to the event was a little stressful. I would love to blame Google (Google maps specifically) however I must confess, the fault was all mine (again). Ya see, I'm at that stage in life where I like to think I’m smarter than some app on my phone. I’ve had this encounter with my "arch nemesis app" (i.e., Google Maps) previously, the most notable time was a trip to Las Vegas with my son. Let’s set, The Wayback Machine, to the year to 2019 (I think).

As we're entering the Las Vegas area, Google Maps tells me to take an exit, that is about four exits earlier than the one I normally take. After a brief, heated conversation with said app, I decide that I know better than Google, ignore its advice and decide to proceed to my usual exit (stupid move dumbass). I soon realize that my stupid app was correct and I was wrong (go figure?!?). The exit I normally take is closed due to construction (can I get a harrumph?). After apologizing to Google Maps with a string of creatively combined expletives, Google forgives me and gets us to the hotel via the street that I originally would have been on...had I exited the freeway where Google Maps originally told me to exit (and I'm positive, Google Maps was smugly and sarcastically smiling at me as I realized this fact). 

Anyways…Last night, Google Maps once again proved that old Caricaturists should shut up, listen and follow driving directions. Because if I would have, I would have made it to the event early, instead of 26 seconds prior to the beginning of the event. 

I am not smarter than Google Maps

I am not smarter than Google Maps

I am not smarter than Google Maps

I am not smarter than Google Maps

To make a long story short, lets looks at some Michael Hopkins Events Caricatures from last night

Till next time!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Simple Fun

I've been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to drawing. Although the Event Caricatures have been progressing well, my pen & ink drawings have been virtually non-existent. Although, I've been getting headaches from all the drawings floating around in the 'ole cerebral matter, sitting my butt down at the drawing table and having those drawings flow from the brain (down the neck, through the formerly cancer infected shoulder, down the arm, though the fingers, being one with the pen, filling the nib) and spilling onto the paper,'s been a hot minute (as my son would say). I think I'm making this drawing thing, too complicated.

However, inspiration has arrived via a life-long friend, and Author, Daniel W. Shegrud and his, "Fun Words to Say!". Let's take a look…

Daniel W. Shegrud, Fun Words to Say!

I love these videos! They're Simple and fun. I've been missing that in my life lately. Growing up with Dan we had  a lifetime of simple fun. It was a riot! It seemed like everything we did was simple and fun (although the majority of our peer group would disagree). Fuck 'em! We didn't care. We lived our life for us and our amusement. Not that life these days are bad, it's just missing the simple fun that Dan and I enjoyed. As I was watching these videos of Dan’s, I realized that he’s still living that lifestyle and I’ve gotten off track. Life wasn't meant to be complicated. We’re here to enjoy life and obviously, Dan is still enjoying life. I need to find my way back to that life and Dan’s my inspiration.

Hold that light up for me Dan, I need to find that path back to the simple fun.