Monday, May 22, 2023


"a person who regularly writes material for a blog".

It seems that I'm at my best when I ignore the lines...and if not my best at least my most satisfying. Lines tend to put me in a box and keep me inline (Duh!). However, when I ignore boundaries, I have more fun and I find the final outcome of my drawing is more satisfying. For example (technically speaking) my Prince drawing is perfection 

However,  it is not my most satisfying accomplishment. That designation would be assigned to my Kurt Cobain drawing, even with its imperfection. This drawing's subtitle is "Perfect Imperfection”

I have the same feelings about my Event Caricatures.  When I first started drawing event caricatures, I had a formula that I followed. Although the drawings turned out ok and I could draw them quickly (most event coordinators want quantity over quality) they looked “formulaic” (i.e., conventional, average, common, commonplace, customary, cut-and-dried, everyday, garden-variety, imitative, mechanical, normal, plain, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, stock, undistinguished, unexceptional, unoriginal, unremarkable - Although I saw the light of the, Almighty Caricature God and was saved from a life of uninspired caricatures, unfortunately there’s still a lot of lost souls out there producing uninspired, formulaic McCaricatures (I think of them as the McDonalds of Caricature Artists) and they rule the marketplace. You see them at amusement parks, on Fremont street in Las Vegas, in fact they’re everywhere, because they're nice, inexpensive and non-offensive. However, they're pretty damn boring.

No offense to the person who produced this caricature down at Disney Planet, but I have a question, why's the head so large?? Was the artist making fun of a woman with macrocephaly? Nope! The artist was following standard caricature guidelines (rule #23A to be specific) in the book, "How to Draw Uninspired Caricatures"

Apparently people (and the Disney Corporation) appreciate uninspired things. That’s obviously why God made Justin Bieber, voters elected Joe Biden (or did they??) and why people watch Jimmy Fallon. Don't agree with me? Consider these three top selling cars.

I would imagine you know someone who owns one of these vehicles (or one that looks just like it) Unless of course you're a man with a  a small penis, then you probably purchased an oversized truck (and if your penis really tiny, you hang a set of “truck nutz” under the trailer hitch).

God Bless America....

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Boeing 727 Aviation Caricature

Happy Mothers Day All! 

A short post today to introduce you to my latest Aviation Caricature, a Boeing 727! I created this drawing on 11"× 17" Canson XL Mix Media drawing paper with Pitt Artist Pens and Castle Arts Watercolor Pencils. Soon it will be available at The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online Store!

Boeing 727 Aviation Caricature
 by Michael Hopkins

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A guy, his dog and a Cessna 310 walked into a bar...

Hello blogosphere,

The last two days have been very productive, which lately (again) is unusual for me. This week's productivity resurrection was due in part to inspiration provided by a YouTube channel, Rafi Was Here Studios Rafi and his wife, Klee are artists who create YouTube videos and blog about their life as artists and their art business. I find that their ideas and thoughts about being an artist, have been very helpful and informative. So if you're also the creative type, you should definitely check out their channel.

This first drawing I created , started out as a standard Aviation Caricature, however it morphed itself into a detailed look into a moment in the life of a guy, his dog and their Cessna 310.

While creating this drawing, my bipolar excitement level went from over the top (Woo hoo! I'm drawing again!) to indifference (Yawn! Another airplane caricature...) to frustration (Grrrrr!! Stupid freaking drawing paper!!) back to excitement (Look, they're flying over a city!) to enjoyment (let's detail the crap out of that city!) and in the end, not wanting to stop the creative process. Yes, I had some issues with my drawing paper (the paper I was using didn't accept the wash very well) however, I endured the minor setback and found a solution for the India ink wash issue and came out with a finished drawing that I love! I guess the lesson that I learned is that (like life itself) if we give up and quit when things get frustrating and complicated, we may miss out on the glory that could have been… 

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”  


To put it simply, my second drawing is my Ode to Shakira's derriere.

Compared to most of my other drawings, this one is relatively small (8 ½" x 5 ¾") however, it's very detailed because I used quite a lot of cross hatching (I love cross hatching!). While drawing this caricature, my plan was that when i finished, I would add color. However, when I completed the drawing, I was satisfied…without color.'s a few with some color added!

Talk to you soon!


Saturday, April 22, 2023

These Are a Few of my Favorite Things

Today, let's talk about some of my favorite drawings that I have created. Besides the fact that these drawings are amazing (my unbiased opinion), perfection has nothing to do with this list. More important to me is, does the drawing have life? Does it have a soul? When I look at the drawing does it make me smile and bring me joy

Although I believe that all of my drawings have life, some of them have a special place in my heart. These particular drawings have so much life and so much of myself ingrained into them, that it feels like they are part of who I am, and as such, will represent who I was, long after I am gone.

My Mona Lisa. I adore everything about this woman. Her beauty captivates me and her essence inspires me. She is perfection and I am lucky enough to call her my friend. I created this drawing of my friend in May of 2020. It was created on 11" x 14" Canson drawing paper, with pen and black India ink.


My youngest child. Anthony is an amazingly talented, self taught musician, who has the world ahead of him and is destined for greatness. I captured his joy of music in this drawing. My favorite things about this drawing? Everything!

George Carlin

One of two (including the subject of my next drawing) of my favorite comedians of all time. George Carlin opened my eyes to the absurdity of the world in which we live.

If there was anyone who made me laugh more than George Carlin it was Andy Kaufman. Andy was my generation's (at least for those of us who understood his humor) comedian. So here's my "ode" Andy Kaufman (1949 - 1984??). Growing up, the world was a funnier place, because Andy was in it. A lot of people didn't "get" him back then and I'm sure, even more people wouldn't today...however, my best friend and I did and that's all that mattered.

Nothing's perfect in this world and I never create perfection. However,  this drawing's as close as I've come.

I spend too much time on YouTube. As a result, I created a category at my store called, I Must Have Something Better to do than Watch YouTube. As a result of YouTube (and my interest in aviation...and the fact that she's easy on the eyes) 
I started following Flight Attendant JoJo For some reason she reminds Mary Tyler Moore?? Anyways...The drawing was created on 11"x 14" Strathmore Bristol (smooth surface) drawing paper, with Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens, an India Ink wash and watercolor (specifically Castle Arts Watercolor Pencils). Originally the drawing was going to be black and white. However as I started out to only highlight the drawing...well, one thing led to another and thus, its in full color! I'm very happy with the results! This drawing has life! This drawing is fun! Most importantly, this drawing makes me happy! It's a simple drawing and it reminds me that simple things in life (and art) can be amazing!

Cheap Trick
(Currently unavailable, scheduled for art exhibit)

Wow! This drawing amazes me each time I look at it! I started this caricature on May 9th 2021 and and 24 hours later, I finished the drawing. My tribute to one of the greatest rock and roll bands (featuring, guitarist Rick Nielsen, Robin Zander and bassist Tom Petersson) was created on 11" × 14" Canson Illustration board, with pen & ink and a slight wash. In case you noticed, I left out the drummer (except for his sticks in the air behind everyone). This was on purpose, as a nod to drummer, Bun E. Carlos, who (unfortunately) no longer tours with the band.

I created this drawing after returning home from a spectacular road trip (I love road trips!). Funny thing is, prior to this road trip I don't recall hearing a MCR song. Now, thanks to my son Anthony, I know all their music. In fact, I'm ready to dye my hair black (what little remaining hair I have), apply some dark mascara (I'll need my bifocals) and rebel against this society each time I hear, Teenagers (even though it's been over 40 years since I've been one).

This is a great caricature! It was inspired by the largest collector of my work. Unfortunately I lost touch with him after his Facebook account was hacked by some scumbag. If he's still around he can have this masterpiece at his special "Stuart" rate.

This was a drawing for my oldest daughter (one of the perks of having a caricaturist for a father). The King of Horror, Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947. His books have sold more than 350 million copies and many have been adapted into films, television series, miniseries, and comic books. King has published 63 novels and a few non-fiction books. He has also written approximately 200 short story novels (some of which have been published in book collections.

This drawing amazes me still. It captures Charlie Chaplin perfectly! With all modesty, it's the best Chaplin caricature I ever seen!

Kurt Cobain

Perfect imperfection. I've always enjoyed the, MTV Unplugged, series. This drawing of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain was inspired by their 1993 performance on that series. It's one of my favorite performances by Nirvana and my third favorite live performance of all time (right behind, Elvis's '68 Comeback Special and Queen's Live Aid performance). I created this drawing in July of 2016. As you can see in the above photo, there is a drop of India Ink on the original drawing (and only available on the original drawing). Instead of trying to cover this ink, I instead chose to embrace it as part of the drawing, as if to represent Kurt himself, perfect imperfection, It was created on 11x16 inch artist board, with Pen & Ink and a slight wash. It is currently farmed in a imperfect frame, which fits the perfect drawing.

The lead singer of one of history's greatest rock bands
 Queen's, Freddie Mercury. This drawing was inspired by greatness!
I created this caricature in February of 2013. It was 
created on 10 1/4 x 13 1/4 Canson Art Board with Pen & Ink.

Carrot Top

I love this picture. It was commissioned piece (I loath commissions). This time for a former high school art acquaintance (whose now a very successful artist himself) who's an acquaintance with Mr. Top. One of my more popular pieces as I  have received several compliments. As for Mr. Top, I have yet to receive any word (positive or negative) however, I love the final drawing, one of my favorites (i.e., its on my list).

Lockheed C5A Galaxy
(Currently unavailable, scheduled for art exhibit)

And last, but not least! My favorite aviation caricature!

A Lockheed C-5 Galaxy coming at ya (literally). One of the largest aircraft in the world, the C-5A was rolled out of the factory in 1968 and is still going strong.

I completed this drawing on January 22, 2023 on 16"x 16" Canson Illustration board, with India ink, Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens and a heavy India ink wash..

Sunday, April 16, 2023


Pricing my art has been on my mind lately…and no, Dementors, I’m not lowering the prices on my original art (we’ll address my original art prices below). The prices I’m referring to are my Limited Edition Giclée Print prices. 

For the last few months, my giclée print prices have been set at $100.00 for my 11”x17” prints and $75.00 for 8”x 10" prints. After doing some research (and given the fact that my prints weren't selling as well as I hoped) I have made the determination that my print prices may be a bit too high. As such, I’ve lowered the prices on my giclée prints to $75.00 for each 11”x14" print and lowered my 8” x 10” prints to $50.00 each. Also, I'm considering re-introducing the 5”x7” prints. I haven't decided yet on the price for the 5”x7” prints, however I'm considering the $25 to $35 range…what do ya think?

As for my originals, I feel that they are priced appropriately. Of course there are many dementors out there who keep telling me that my originals are priced way too high. I disagree. Although my prices for my originals are substantial, these original drawings are a one of a kind work of art that will never be created again. They are of a significant value and I am holding firm on these prices. Any art collector who purchases these drawings can be rest assured that they will hold their value as an investment. The prices may change, however that change will only be an increase...should the demand increase. Now that I've stated that, let me state for the record that I’ve created several ways of obtaining my original art at a price lower than the value that I have established for each drawing.

1) As stated in the headline at The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Online StoreIf you see one of my Original Caricatures that you really enjoy and would like to make an offer that is below the listed price, please feel free to contact Michael at, as we will consider all reasonable offers. (i.e., make me an offer!)

2) Periodically throughout the year, I offer discount coupons at The Michael Hopkins Online Store. These discounts are promoted on all my social media sites (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter)

3) Randomly I offer some of my originals at a temporarily reduced price. You can see an example of this on the upper right hand side of this page. My Cheap Trick original drawing is currently offered at a temporary reduced price. 

None of these discounts affect the value I have placed on the drawings. It just offers a temporary opportunity for those who value my work to obtain my drawings at a lower price. However, the value of my original drawings remain at the original value I have placed on them.

So how does one obtain one of these discounts? Keep your eyes open and follow me on Instagram (@iamscribbles), The Michael Hopkins Cartoons Facebook Page and Twitter (@iamscribbles).

Talk to you soon!


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Conundrum

Sometimes I think blogging is just a legitimate way of talking to myself without the apprehensiveness of wondering if someone is listening to me talking to myself. If I'm blogging that's ok, however if I'm talking to myself, there are those who may think I'm losing my mind or my ability to keep my thoughts contained within my consciousness…or I'm insane.

Which brings to mind a question. Would be better or worse if we could hear others' thoughts? Since I have a blog (and anyone is welcome to read it), my stream of consciousness (most of it, anyways) is out in the open. However, if we could invade others' thoughts for a good cause, should we consider it or would that be an invasion of privacy (and we certainly don't want that, do we?). Nonetheless, what if we had the power, to read others' thoughts? What if we had the ability to read criminals' thoughts, prior to that criminal making a bad decision? One of my favorite movies, The Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, told a story (based in the future) about a special Police Department, Precrime Unit. This special unit had the ability to predict murders (through *Precognitives) before the murder actually happened. Therefore, they would stop the murder before it actually took place and arrest the (pre?) murderer. I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen the film, however, "the best laid plans of mice and men, often go awry"

Although the films' science was predicated on predicting the future, wouldn't we get the same result (of stopping future crimes), if we could read criminal's minds? Would you support the invasion of our privacy and rights if it resulted in the end of crimes and murders? Or would you argue that your personal loss of privacy (i.e., everyone knowing your every thought) outweighs the benefit to society of the elimination of crime? *Precognitives are individuals with extra-sensory perception of objects or events in the future, or of another person's future mental processes, a conjectural paranormal phenomenon

Sunday, March 26, 2023


I loath unproductive routines. For me, unproductive routines are the biggest factor in life passing us by. If I slip into one of these routines, I’m done. Wake up. Drink coffee. Go to work. Come home. Eat dinner. Go to bed. Rinse and repeat twenty seven million times...and if one’s not careful, a routine can last a lifetime. Even if it's a good routine, if it doesn't have a purpose, it can be dangerous. Before you know it it’s one year later and BAM!…you’re one year older and you're at the same place you were a year ago.

At the opposite end of the scale are productive routines. Routines with a purpose (i.e., I'm going to draw something everyday). However, even some productive routines can cause problems if they lull you into an unimaginative routine of just putting pencil to paper, just to continue a streak . It’s good to draw everyday, but have a purpose in mind behind those everyday drawings. Don't just pick up a pencil, draw a smiley face and say, “there I drew a picture today!” How has that benefited you? Bring creativity into that routine of drawing every day. Think about what you're drawing. If it’s a smiley face, ask yourself, "why is that smiley face smiling?" "What is it thinking?" Drawing is not just the physical act of putting pencil (or pen) to paper, drawing is the act of creating. Creation is the genesis of life. Life is nothing, without the arts. So create artists! Without the arts, life is…meaningless.

Wake up. Drink coffee. Go to work. Come home. Eat dinner. Go to bed. Rinse and repeat twenty seven million times.

Wake up. Drink coffee. Go to work. Come home. Eat dinner. Go to bed. Rinse and repeat twenty seven million times.

Wake up. Drink coffee. Go to work. Come home. Eat dinner. Go to bed. Rinse and repeat twenty seven million times.