Friday, March 20, 2020

My Two Cents

Hello everyone! Greetings from Reno, Nevada. I hope you are well and doing what you can to avoid the COVID-19 virus (I guess that's the official name??)...anyways, I hope everyone is ok and if you have the virus, please take care of yourself and get better soon. Although my cartoon revenue has taken a hit, I'm sure things will get better after this passes. We all have to stay positive and work together, to get through this "crisis". Also, let's remember to help those most vulnerable to this virus, the elderly and those who have underlying conditions. One more thing, can we all try to be a little less selfish? I know everyone is feeling confused and feeling a little panicky, but when we go shopping for food and other supplies, let's only get what we need and not become selfish hoarders. Remember, your neighbors and others need food and supplies as well. There's plenty of food and supplies to go around for everyone if we just think of others, while we're shopping. It's the human thing to do. 

I'm like most people and feeling a little stressed this days. I'm trying to lead a normal life (if that's possible, given the conditions) and I'm trying not to obsess about the situation. It's hard to do, but I'm doing my best. I'm going to try and get back to the drawing board and create positivity (through my art)  and not obsess on the news and fall into despair, (which is difficult, but I'm trying). Obsessing, panicking and hoarding wont make the virus go away. Live your life, tell your family and friends that you love them and keep in mind, those less fortunate. We'll all get through this together. 

Lastly, if you're a reader of my blog, you know that I am exploring, digital caricatures. Well, here's the first few examples of my new "digitals"

What do you think? Personally,  I like them. The entire creation process is weird (drawing on a screen, as opposed to pen, paper and ink), but in think the results are cool! I hope these caricatures' smiles, bring you a smile!

Hang in there!

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