100 blogs, 60 years...not a good, Blogs Per Year Batting Average (.167), unless of course, you consider the fact that I've only been writing this blog since 2012...so this brings the blog's average up a bit.
My goal was to write 100 blogs and I have now accomplished that. The initial intention behind my blog was to increase awareness of my drawings (which I believe I've succeeded). However, after reaching 100 blogs, I've realized it's become more than a marketing tool for my art, it has become a platform for my thoughts, my experiences, my feelings (which I'll never admit to having any of those inconvenient things), my "incoherent ramblings"...and maybe a bit of therapy?? Anyways, I'm very happy with what has transpired through my blog.
Having said that...if there's one thing that I'd change, it's the fact that I'd like to be more transparent. Unfortunately people are very sensitive these days and when criticized in an objective manner (as I occasionally try to do), that is contrary to their own, over-inflated, unsubstantiated, personal opinion of themselves. These certain unnamed persons, might be offended by this blogger's opinion and might make work at the Daily Planet a bit more unbearable, under the current regime. As such, until that point in time at which I walk out the door at The Daily Planet and say goodbye to our Caucasian Little Richard receptionist, for the last time...
Our Receptionist
...I will have to continue to be careful with my words or risk offending these sensitive and delicate dandies.
The Daily Planets New Operations Team
Things are constant flux at the daily Planet and have been ever since the previous Operations Manager of Safety Practices (I'll bet you never thought we would need one of those at a newspaper!), high tailed it for parts unknown (rumor has it that he's opened his own showroom in Branson, Missouri). A constant flux indeed and that's not a good kind of constant flux. It would more appropriately called a constant flux of unraveling. With the peak newspaper season just around the corner, we're down to one printing press (out of three) and the one that is in operating order (that's a very loose interpretation of "operating order"), is questionable. Lets hope that Willie has a few magical tricks up his sleeve. In fact, if Hans Christian Andersen were alive today (and working at The Daily Planet) he's be inspired to write the sequel to, The Emperor's New Clothes.
Anyways, maybe I'll get lucky soon and not have to worry about the future of The Daily Planet (Blogger gets off soapbox)
Now that I'm off my soapbox, let's the back to the real world...DRAWING!!! Michael Hopkins Caricatures is now in the apparel business (sort of...). Some of my caricatures are now available on clothing through Teespring!
Visit my store via the following link...
If you have suggestions on which of my caricatures you'd like to see on some apparel, let me know!
So there ya go, 100 Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blogs! Will there be a number 101 blog? Definitely, but probably not in its current manifestation, as I think it's time to shake things up a bit…
Stay tuned