Sunday, September 18, 2016

Time to Think

It's funny how inspiration works. After a rough week of trying to create a drawing, that didn't quite work out (the understatement of the century) something told me to take my girlfriend (her name's, Dat Sun and she's one sexy b*tch) for a drive today in search of said, inspiration.


Although I think I may have found it, the search revealed other things..

I'm learning the key to success is not taking breaks in the pursuit of it.

I don't know if it's laziness or lack of desperation, I tend to sit down and draw only when I'm in the mood. Bad mistake. I need to create daily, if I don't,'s like rolling a bowling ball up a hill. If you don't keep rolling that ball up the hill, as soon as you take a break, it's going to roll back down to the bottom of the hill and you're going to have to start from the beginning. Of course it could be lack of that case, I could quit the day job tomorrow and HELLO DESPERATION!

Maybe I should do a Vlog instead of a Blog?

I enjoyed making the little movie you see above. Would people enjoy my ramblings any more (or less) if they were on YouTube instead of Blogger? Maybe on both?? 

What am I doing to myself (after eating a 15 million calorie meal at Jack in the Box)???

If I do create a video blog, I need to change my lifestyle (i.e., lose weight and get into shape). I would freak out watching myself on video, in my current physical condition. I'm sure it wouldn't matter to most people (watching the videos) what kind of shape I'm in (and there are a lot of people in worst shape than I'm in) however it would matter to me.

Apparently giving oneself time to think, can be a life changing experience. Especially in an astonishingly awesome 1979 280zx.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show

I hear this awesome song in my head when I'm drawing at events these days. This is a good thing, because I use to hear the Ringling Brother Barnum & Bailey Circus song.

Although I'm certainly not providing salvation, I am
providing smiles and happiness, which is bringing me happiness. WARNING: Lately, happiness, seems to be a reoccurring theme on this Blog.

This is also the first event where my son (@Stevey_Stu) and I, "live tweeted" (is that the correct term??), through my Twitter account, @iamscribbles. With his assistance (and some surprisingly, sharp humor on his part) it worked out very well. Hopefully, we can continue this at future events, with some additional ideas I have floating around upstairs.'s the pics

P.S. An added thanks to me ole' chum, Dan Shegrud, who introduced me to the music of Neal Diamond, back in the 70's.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


Im almost there.

Lately my life has been an increasingly wonderful experience and less of a struggle. By following my heart, I find happiness. Deviate from what I know is right...and life again, becomes a struggle.

As a testimony to this, in April I took a trip to Los Angeles. Financially speaking it probably wasn’t the best move, but something told me, I needed to go. I struggled during the drive because I started doubting the sensibility of the journey, although my heart knew I was doing the right thing. I think my son could tell, when I was struggling during the drive. I would become agitated at stupid stuff and probably wasn’t the most pleasant guy to be around (all apologies:). However, when we finally arrived at our destination, my life changed forever. I have never been happier. Although we had never been there before, I felt like I was home and at peace. My son even told me I was a different person, while I was there. A happier person. I had indeed found my happiness...and it only took me 54 years. Further proof of finding my happiness, was the work I created, when I returned...

Although I now know where my happiness is and the direction I need to take, I still struggle with deviation and staying on my path. Like Hank Jr. says, Old Habits are hard to break...

I was put on this earth to create my drawings, by doing so, I bring happiness to myself and hopefully I bring a smile to others.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Inspiration Behind the Drawing - My Chemical Romance

Sometimes a drawing takes a long time to develop. The initial conception of my latest drawing, My Chemical Romance (MCR) originated on a road trip to Las Vegas in October of 2015. 

To be honest, I had never listened to MCR prior to that trip. I probably would not have, had it not been for Rule Number 4-A, in a set of rules I established regarding road trips. These rules were developed in order to inure sanity during, and at the end of these journeys. Although I could bore you with the entire list, my rules are not the subject of this incoherent rambling, as such, here are a few important highlights...

Rule #1 - Coffee
  • Rule #1-A - More coffee
  • Rule #1-B - Even more coffee 
Let's focus on my discovery of MCR, following is Rule #4

Rule #4 - Music. Music (or some sort of Radio Ga Ga) shall be played on the entire road trip.
  • Rule #4-A - Said music, should be alternated between the musical taste of all passengers in the vehicle.
Ah ha! This is it! This is the "Big Bang" of my latest drawing! Had it not been for Rule #4-A, my latest drawing would have never materialized and its all because of, Bitch Stevie (inside joke). You see, prior to this road trip, "my road mix", would include Paul McCartney, Alice Cooper, Johnny Cash and Queen, among others. However, thanks to Bitch Stevie my musical tastes and have expanded immensely and although I still enjoy the classics, I have discovered new musical awesomeness...

First off, here's the caricature and the picture I used to create the caricature...

Now, the first song that captured my attention and initially inspired the drawing. Great song! Wonderfully creepy video by this young lady, she was obviously inspired as well...

Another great song....

Anyways, until next time....Peace!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

An End to Begin Again

Holy artists block Batman! Has it really been almost three years since I started my last Missed Approach?? It’s amazing how time flies when you’re caught in the black hole of comfortableness (see the blog before the last one). It’s also amazing how one’s perception of time fades, while the reality of time marches on. I’m not getting any younger and I’m definitely getting older. To put my inactiveness into perspective, I’ve could go to planet Mars and back twice, since I started Episode 3 – Attention Deficit Disorder. Who’s to blame?? I don’t know, I wish that I had somebody to point my finger at (of course there would be three pointing back at me). Thank goodness assigning blame is meaningless. I think most of the time was spent, trying to figure out an ending. It never came. So I decided not to end it, delete it and just move on. Most of us have the need for closure and I’m no exception, however I decided to make an exception.  I guess it’s now kind of like, The Song That Never Ends (my kids will know that reference). Its time to start a new episode of Missed Approach (it will start this week) and new episode for me.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Shredding 'Roids

Well it’s halftime now and things aren’t looking good for my hometown, Seahawks (Seattle - 0 Green Bay -16). So if the national media is correct, apparently ¾ of the country is currently overjoyed. From what I’ve heard, most of the country hates the, Seahawks. I’ve heard the terms, arrogant, spoiled and fluke (as in last year). I don’t think so. You see, I’m not a huge football fan anymore and by no means an expert (that’s what she said). I think Taylor said it best, Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate hate…  People are still allowed to think and state, what they want (in most parts of the world). I just like rooting for my home team (is rooting still a relevant term??). I can’t explain that either. I have no investment in that team; I hardly even watch them anymore. I mean I live more than 700 FREAKING MILES FROM THERE!?!?!?! Anyways, since growing older, I’m become much more interested and invested in art and music than sports. I mean, come on. I would much rather spend a $100 bill, watching greying guitar Rock God, Brian May shredding through, Tie Your Mother Down...

...than spending that same bill watching some steroid induced, overpaid athletes try win football games. GO SEAHAWKS!!!!

Anyways, Spring Training starts in 30 days. GO MARINERS!!! Have I ever mentioned how I HATE the Yankees???


Monday, January 5, 2015


Now it’s 2015. 

As for last year, it no longer exists. I rode the escalator, for most of the year. Although I created a few pieces that I was proud of, overall I was disappointed. I felt my dreams fading away. Lying in bed on New Year’s Eve, looking back at last year and trying determine what caused this sleepwalk though the 53rd year of my existence,
Pink Floyd s, *Comfortably Numb, comes on the radio…

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home?

Come on, now
I hear you're feeling down
Well I can ease the pain
Get you on your feet again

I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand

This is not how I am

I have become comfortably numb

510 minutes a day, 260 days a year, there is nobody in there...

On a daily basis, I escape to alternate dimension and observe…

I watch myself coexisting with empty souls who's lives have become what I fear the most. Their “reality”, is a mind numbing slow ride towards an inevitable conclusion…does nobody care?

Are they unaware and unable to realize what is happening?

Just a little pinprick
There'll be no more
But you may feel a little sick

Now can you stand up?
I do believe it's working good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown the dream is gone

I have become comfortably numb

My soul can’t survive, another year in this” reality”.

Time to start drawing…

*Comfortably Numb
Writer(s): R. Waters, Roger Waters, D. Gilmour, David Jon Gilmour
Copyright: Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Pink Floyd Music Publr. Inc., Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd., Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., Pink Floyd Music Publisher