Yesterday was the day that life decided to open my eyes and slap me in the face, in regards to people and my presumed knowledge of those individuals and my judgments of those people. It was as if my guardian angel (by the way, she looks like Elizabeth Shue) got tired of my “as of late” sugar coated, forgive and forget, what would Jesus do attitude towards people I'm forced to deal with everyday (as opposed to those I choose to be around). Ignoring people who are assholes and instead forgiving their assholiness, just encourages their asshole behavior (FACT!). Obviously I can't change an asshole. It took years of training for an asshole to be the "Complete Asshole" that they have become today. However, I can personally choose not to interact with individuals (i.e., The Asshole) and at the very least keep them at arms length, when forced to interact with them (due to life circumstances). Of course, wouldn't life be great if we were able to point a magic wand at an asshole and force them to repent for their assholiness discretions by turning them into a Mormon Missionary and forcing them to serve a never ending mission in Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City is the cultural headquarters of the nicest group of people I’ve ever met, the Mormons (the anti-assholes). Although I’m sure there are a few Mormon assholes, I’ve just never met one.
I'm working on the magic wand...