Wednesday, July 19, 2023


My latest drawing owes its existence to my son. One evening, a few days ago, I received a text from my son featuring a short video from Jack in the Box, featuring Jack himself. Jack is the founder, CEO and ad spokesman for the chain (tongue firmly implanted in cheek). In the video, Jack was explaining that he was going to be appearing at the San Diego Comic Con, however, he didn't know what kind of costume to wear. So he asked viewers of the video for suggestions. Being a huge fan of the Jack In the Box fast food chain (it's my favorite addiction treatment center, not named Starbucks) I decided to give it a whirl and give Jack a suggestion via a drawing (it's what I do). Anyways…to make a long story short, here’s my suggestion to Jack on what he should wear to the San Diego Comic Con.

As you can tell from my drawing, I'm definitely a Baby Boomer (although I'm on the tail end of that generation - 1945-1964) by my still impassioned love of the Caped Crusader. I imagined Jack in the role, Adam West made famous in the 1960's series, Batman!. As he climbs the side of the building (via the Bat-rope) who should pop out of a window but his arch nemesis Ronald McDonald!

Whap! Sock! Pow! Cannot be far behind!

Until then, tune in next time! Same Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog time, same Michael Hopkins Cartoons Blog channel!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Ode to the A**hole

Yesterday was the day that life decided to open my eyes and slap me in the face, in regards to people and my presumed knowledge of those individuals and my judgments of those people. It was as if my guardian angel (by the way, she looks like Elizabeth Shue) got tired of my “as of late” sugar coated, forgive and forget, what would Jesus do attitude towards people I'm forced to deal with everyday (as opposed to those I choose to be around). Ignoring people who are assholes and instead forgiving their assholiness, just encourages their asshole behavior (FACT!). Obviously I can't change an asshole.  It took years of training for an asshole to be the "Complete Asshole" that they have become today. However, I can personally choose not to interact with individuals (i.e., The Asshole) and at the very least keep them at arms length, when forced to interact with them (due to life circumstances). Of course, wouldn't life be great if we were able to point a magic wand at an asshole and force them to repent for their assholiness discretions by turning them into a Mormon Missionary and forcing them to serve a never ending mission in Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City is the cultural headquarters of the nicest group of people I’ve ever met, the  Mormons (the anti-assholes). Although I’m sure there are a few Mormon assholes, I’ve just never met one.

I'm working on the magic wand...


Sunday, July 9, 2023

First Birthday!

On Saturday July 8th, 2023, Michael Hopkins Event Caricatures had the honor of drawing caricatures at a beautiful girl's first birthday party!  Here's a few pictures from the event. Also, thank you Mom and Dad (Noel and Joe) for inviting me! 

If you're interested in inviting, Michael Hopkins Event Caricatures to your next event, give me a call, send me an email ( or click on the link below!

The Birthday Girl!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Life Reset

The plan is set. I’ll have a new life on January 1st, 2024. You’ll probably see a lot more of me (or to be more specific, more of my art)  after that date. Besides my blog, I’ll put more work into my YouTube channel, my postings will accelerate, basically I'll be increasing my art's presence everywhere. This increase will actually start sooner than the first of the year, as I need to achieve my goal…and I will achieve that goal.

Why January 1st? Because life doesn’t last forever and find my life slipping away in its current zombie state. I could go on and on forever, doing what I do everyday, brain dead, numb and unsatisfied. But I choose instead to feel life and become satisfied with who I am, I am an artist. I am not some brain dead droid looking towards a retirement of small talk with other retired droids while having breakfast and discussing the good ole days. The good ole days are ahead of me, not behind me. As such, the plan is in full effect and you’ll be updated continuously via this blog.

Besides my usual pursuit of making people smile (by drawing funny pictures of them, via my caricatures), next year Ill restart the The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure (you can read all about it in my previous post here ) Basically the plan is to travel across the country to visit various air shows to promote and sell my aviation art. The plan was scheduled to take place back in 2022, however due to Covid-19 concerns many Air Shows were canceled that year. So I'm pulling that plan out of The Michael Hopkins Caricatures Storage Unit, dusting it off and relaunch in 2024.

As a side note, I went on a leisurely hike this morning. I enjoy my Sundays morning, it gives me time to think. Actually it was a Sunday morning in which I cam up with the Michael Hopkins Caricatures Aviation Roadshow Adventure idea. Anyways…here’s a few pictures from this morning's hike.

Talk to you soon,


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Following My Own Advice

I'm feeling really good and a little excited about the future, after last nights event up at The Village at NorthStar. Usually, in order to keep up time restraints (i.e., the host of the event usually wants as many guests drawn per hour as possible) I usually stick to faces only, when I'm drawing my event caricatures. However, at last night's event, I stepped out of my comfort zone, didn't overthink and let loose by stepping into my metaphysical world (see my previous blog post - Living in a Metaphysical World) and followed my heart (i.e., I sorta free flowed for most of the evening). Once I did that I began to have more fun with the drawings and so did the people that I was drawing. Towards the end of the evening I didn't want to stop (of course, the fact that the event was closing altered my decision). are a few of the highlights' from last nights event. Can you see a difference?

So if your interested in booking Michael Hopkins Event Caricatures for you next event, just click on the link below or give me a call at (775) 276-0256.

See you soon!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Living in a Metaphysical World

I believe there is a metaphysical aspect to our world that we as a people can't define, however we can and should follow accordingly. It's almost like being one with nature, by trusting our intuition to make our decisions. We should follow our feelings of right and wrong, rather than trying to override those feelings with forced logic. I believe that my struggles of late have come from not following my intuition and instead forcing my decisions through logical (over) thinking. When I have had success, I have followed what my gut told me to do. Not only have I been more successful by following my intuition, but my life's journey seemed more effortless. 

I believe we were put on this earth to enjoy our journey and not for constant struggle. However, there are so many distractions (or unwanted input) these days that it's difficult to be at one with nature and separate ourselves from these distractions. We need to occasionally set down our cell phones, turn off the television and give ourselves a break from those distractions. Find your place of happiness and enjoy life. Let happiness and a clear mind influence your decisions, rather than some random “Influencer” on Instagram (who, by the way, is being paid to influence your decisions).

Talk to you soon,



Sunday, June 18, 2023

Fuck You Money and Being Naked

Lately, I’m feeling like the character Bill Murray portrayed, in the movie, Groundhog Day. Every freaking day is the same and It's driving me crazy! I feel like I have no control of my life. I also see myself taking the same stupid missteps, over and over and over…Which of course, leads back to everyday being exactly the's a vicious circle.

So it's time to make changes and take my life back. As such, I have created two goals. The first goal is to get “Fuck You Money" so nobody can control my life. The main example of this control is being employed by someone other than myself. Sure, I could quit my job, however, until I have, Fuck You Money… it's not a good idea (unless I wanted to join the legion of automobile dwellers who poop in a bag or in a toilet that is not connected to a sewer system).

The Urban dictionary describes "Fuck You Money" as follows

“the exact amount of money required in order to tell an individual or organization to go fuck themselves without facing repercussions.”

To achieve this goal of getting my Fuck You Money, I'll need to achieve a second goal of being of sound mind and body. I believe that one can’t achieve their financial goals unless their mind and their body are in peak condition (mine are not). 

Mind - I feel like my mind has been “gummed up” by my attachment to the internet via my cell phone (Although I’m sure this is part of Big Brother’s blueprint). Although I’m not getting rid of the cell phone (you can't get rid of something that planned obsolescence has made mandatory), I am going to start using it less (unless of course, I'm writing my blog!). This plan in-turn will give me more time to exercise my brain by reading more (which sadly, I haven’t done in a while). Also by reducing the time I spend on the internet, I'll have more time available to produce amazing drawings...Can I get an Hallelujah?!?!

Body- Although I could have made this goal easier on myself, by saying, “I’m going to lose 15 pounds” or “I’m going to exercise more”. Screw that! My goal is, to look good naked. When one is naked it’s their true self, unhidden. One can "sort of" hide their flaws with clothing, but if you look good naked you are unafraid of your physical appearance and you are truly in shape. I am currently unhappy with my body when I step out of the shower in the morning. Although I tell myself, “you don't look bad for a 61 year old”, that is only a lie to appease myself. I’m done lying to myself and when I achieve this goal, I’ll know it….and maybe I’ll go streaking in the unlikeliest of places to proclaim my success...or maybe not???